Welcome to the 2021 Academic Year

Artwork by Claudia Nimmo, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

By Frank Bevacqua and Arya Kumar, Year 12, Plenty Campus


In a… unique year (we’re sure you’ve heard the word unique a lot) it can sometimes be difficult to stop and reflect on what is going on. Let us help, it is a new academic year. Welcome to the early beginnings of 2021. 


Normality is returning! We don’t know about you guys, but how good is it to be able to play soccer at lunchtime, see your friends, play some music and have some banter with your teachers? (Just to clarify, banter at the right time and in the right place). We are sure you’ve heard it before, but first impressions are paramount to good relationships with anyone -namely, your teachers and peers. Considering the length of the break you’ve had from these key individuals it is vital that you make every encounter positive and constructive, ensuring that you are doing your best, now more than ever, to nurture and build stronger bonds with your peers, staff, year level and school - maintaining the Ivanhoe spirit. 


We have new classes, new heads of years, new mentors and new teachers. Throughout the year you can develop into the person you want to be (trust us, we have over the years), take every experience, positive or negative as a learning point to build off on - moving in the direction you want to go. This new year is your new chance to develop into who you want to be; use this year to develop yourself into a leader, an academic, a rising cadet leader, a musician or just a general positive influence around the school, an opportunity open to everyone.


Co-curricular activities are returning – did you hear about the book club that is starting? Are you going to join the choir? How about the musical that is recommencing next term? Are you going to get involved? Co-curricular activities are essential in developing as an Ivanhoe Learner and, keeping with the theme of development, are key in general success in becoming a student of character, leader and the best version of yourself both in the schooling sphere and generally. We encourage anyone reading to give an activity a go at any opportunity. To quote Ms Rowe, head of secondary at Plenty Campus, 'if you want something done, give it to a busy person' and we think that is an apt quote regarding the character of individuals that busy themselves with co-curricular activities. 


We encourage all students to give a warm welcome to newcomers, engage in classes and try something new. Only by doing this will you be able to end the year of 2021 (next year) knowing that you gave it your all and achieved your full potential. 


We wish you all the best for the year, 2021. 


Artwork By Andrea Karanikolaou, Year 12, Plenty Campus
Artwork By Andrea Karanikolaou, Year 12, Plenty Campus