2020 Reflections

Artwork by Charlize Holcombe, Year 9, University Campus

Thank You 2020?

By Avriel Das, Year 10, Plenty Campus


I won’t lie, 2020 has turned my year at  University Campus upside down – in a good way, I assure you.


As a Plenty Campus kid in a swarm of The Ridgeway Campus students, it was daunting having to make friends with 80% of a class you’d never even met before. New words and concepts were thrown at me. What was a TDU? What were lectures at La Trobe like? Would it be draining to wake up an hour earlier than normal, further away from the campus? Where could I get lunch or cold drinks? Was this the year that would define my whole high school experience?


I was extremely lucky. At University Campus, classes were house based where each house had one Transdisciplinary Unit (TDU) per term. Being a Lincoln student, during Term 1 I completed the Science of Life unit where we studied our own chosen topics, ranging from disease to global food shortage. Lincoln students were able to listen to lectures (at La Trobe facilities) from Dr Lesley Cheng and Professor Nick Hoogenraad (just to name two) and use the content from their lectures to inspire our Science of Life group projects. I found it ironic that we were learning about vaccines, pandemics and disease, only to have our TDU expo cancelled on the day COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO).


Then there were co-curriculars. At Plenty Campus in year 7 and 8, there was no formal debate training except fun debates during house events, so year 9 was the first year I really did a structured debate with the same team. It was nervous to try something relatively new, but the lunch time debate training and debate night allowed me to gain valuable experience I will use when debating in my senior years.


IGNITE (a passion project) enabled us to choose a topic we were passionate about in order to showcase a presentation at the end of the 6 month project period. Then, the out of classroom program (in Term 1) was slightly different to the previous year, but I still learned how to write a proper resume and cover letter to apply for a job in the near future.

As I reflect back on my year at the University Campus, and as I start year 10 back at the Plenty campus, I realise how privileged I was to make friends from Ridgeway and undertake the unique academic programs that differ from traditional subjects. The way all Year 9s overcame the initial difficulties of COVID-19, showing courage, adaptability and innovation, was the defining memory of 2020 at University Campus.


I would like to thank my mentor Ms D’Elia for the most memorable year with the best class. I am forever grateful.


Artwork by Ainsley Thorpe, Year 10, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Ainsley Thorpe, Year 10, The Ridgeway Campus

The End of a Chapter

By Charlotte Starkey, Year 6, Buckey House


Year 6 has let me discover a lot about myself. Through everything that's happened this year, my most important journey has been self-discovery. I’ve learnt life lessons and found comfort in myself. I’ve learnt to accept my flaws and celebrate my differences! I can be resilient and I have learnt to face everything that comes my way. What matters most is how we view ourselves. I have learnt not to care about how people view me. I’ve discovered myself and as long as I believe in myself, it doesn’t matter what others think. This whole experience has let me learn and discover myself, even amongst the chaos of 2020.


I moved to Buckley House in year 5. It was the best move I ever made. I don’t regret anything. I made so many friends and created so many memories. I’ve been taught life lessons and learned to see the good in people. The Ivanhoe Learner values have taught me so much, and I hope to use them forever when I need them most. But what I will miss most of all, is the atmosphere and livelihood of this place. Even if you don’t know it, everyone wants to see you succeed and try your best. Buckley House motivates and inspires me to do good, I want to try my hardest and I want everyone around me to do so too. I will miss Buckley House because it has let me spread my wings and exceed. 


Artwork by Lavinia de Fazio, Year 9, University Campus
Artwork by Lavinia de Fazio, Year 9, University Campus

Treasured Experiences

By Maisie Spencer, Year 6, Buckley House


'Yesterday was history, tomorrow's a mystery, but today is a gift…. that is why they call it the present.'- Master Oogway. 


I appreciate this quote because it is all about enjoying the present and what’s going on in front of you. Also, it is about trying new things, challenging myself to become better. It reminds me that I’m still young and can experiment with the opportunities life provides me. This quote stands out to me because I have regretted many things as I have not taken opportunities when I should be enjoying the moment and taking on life’s challenges. 

Throughout my experiences with Buckley House, I have learnt a lot about myself. I have found that when I try hard and persevere I can achieve high goals. I studied my maths over holidays and weekends to expand my knowledge and found myself improving on maths tests. I have learnt that I have to push myself to become a better learner and I have to do it on my own initiative. Throughout online learning, at first, I had trouble with my time management since I found there were many distractions including people and apps. I disciplined myself and found that I improved my behaviour and my tasks were handed in before due dates. Buckley House has helped me see the person I am and showed me how I can change to be better.


I have many treasured experiences from Buckley House and I will miss many things. I will miss all the wonderful opportunities that the school has to offer and provided for me. I will miss all the programs that help me expand my learning and become better as a person and a student. I will miss all my supportive friends that are always there for me and are always making me happy. 


Artwork by Olivia Ross, Year 9, University Campus
Artwork by Olivia Ross, Year 9, University Campus

One For The Books

By Michael Poulos, Year 6, Buckley House


'The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.'- Walt Disney


To me, this quote means that the only way you will be able to achieve your goal or start something new, it is to stop slacking off and sitting around and begin doing what you want to do or achieve in life. This quote also means that everything you want to do won’t be handed to you and that you have to keep on trying.


One of my favourite memories from Buckley House was when I went on Year 5 camp with all my friends. This was one of my favourite memories because I got to spend four days away from school doing fun activities with my friends. All-day we were hanging out together having lots of fun. Another reason why this was one of my favourite memories at Buckley House is because we went camping for a night and slept in a tent with a few of our friends. In my tent, I was with Ewan and Noah. We had such a great time that night and barely slept at all. Another one of my favourite memories was when I made it to State for swimming in 2019. I made it in the 4x50m relay. In my relay, I swam with Louis, Oscar and Joel. That race was one of my most memorable races ever. 


I will miss Buckley House because of everything that has happened here. While being in Buckley House I have had so many memories. Buckley House is where I have met a lot of my great friends that I am still with to this day! Another memory is all the fun I have had here, on camps and also on many other great things. Every day for the past 7 years at Buckley House, I have managed to find a way to have fun with my friends. I have just had an amazing time here in Buckley House.


Artwork by Rubaba Khandaker, Year 12, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Rubaba Khandaker, Year 12, The Ridgeway Campus

Turning The Page

By Amalia Razzi, Year 6, Buckley House



I believe, if we only get one life, we have to live it to the absolute fullest. In the future, I aspire to leave a mark on this earth and to one day be someone who people will remember. As a girl, I have observed how challenging it can be to be a female in some areas, like sport. To this day, some women are still not being equally respected to men and I think someone needs to do something about it. I believe that someone will be me. When I grow older, I aspire to work to support women’s rights, to build a stronger and more equal community for women. As well as supporting women, I would love to become an athlete and compete in different sports such as ballet, soccer and AFLW, just like Ellyse Perry (a famous Australian cricketer and soccer player). Though she is really good at what she does, the main reason she inspires me is because of her compassion and her determination. Her mindset, I believe, has truly made her into the person she is today. As mentioned earlier, I have developed a huge passion for football and ballet, so when I am older, I would like to pursue that, not only for myself, but I would also like to teach young girls and boys. So, on reflection, I believe if we only get one life, we have to make the most of it. We have to live every day like it’s the last. 



I have been at Buckley House my whole life, leaving it seems really scary. Buckley House has become my second home, my classmates have become like my siblings, letting that go will be very hard but I know my truly good friends will stay with me through the coming years. I will really miss the fun dress-up days at school, all of the hot dog days, playing on the oval with my friends, and most importantly my teachers and my classmates. Buckley house has shaped me into the person I am today and has helped me uncover hidden talents and helped me learn to push myself to my limits. 


Artwork by Samantha Garbutt, Year 6, Buckley House
Artwork by Samantha Garbutt, Year 6, Buckley House

Closing The Book

By Sophie Chuter, Year 6, Buckley House


I will miss Buckley House so much! Coming to Buckley House at the beginning of Year 4 was one of the best decisions my family and I have ever made. It has made such a difference to my life. Buckley House has taught me so many things, to be myself and never give up! Ever since coming to Buckley House, I have had so many opportunities that have helped me follow my dreams and become more confident. I have spent most of my life in primary school and now I feel like I am leaving my life behind. I will miss the wonderful teachers that have taught me. I will miss the play equipment. I will miss my friends. I will miss my buddy. I will miss having my locker in the classroom and I will miss the fun dress-up days. I will miss everything and everyone at Buckley House.