Dear IPS Parents of students enrolled in ICAS,ICAS assessments will be now taking place on site (at school) on the following dates in week 6 of Term 4, 2020...

  • Thursday November 12th: Digital Technologies (*new to IPS in 2020)
  • Friday November 13th: Make-up day (for any ONE missed assessment)

ICAS assessments will be completed on site at school during class hours and will be administered on by a teacher in your child’s year level during the school day. Your child will be provided with an access code (at school) enabling them to sit their given assessment(s) at the allocated time.


Assessments will be held in the morning sessions in designated classrooms across the school. Fine details will be confirmed over the next few weeks and students will be advised of exact assessment times and location in due course.


Although no preparation is required nor recommended by ICAS, should your child wish to familiarise themselves with the format and style of questioning found in ICAS assessments, the following link will take you to practice question downloads that may be of interest...



We wish your child the best for a challenging and rewarding experience with ICAS in 2020.