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Seeds and Sprouts

Seeds and Sprouts will be returning in 2021 with an extended 20-week program.


Seeds will be open to ALL children beginning prep in 2023 from City of Port Phillip.

Sprouts will be open to children beginning prep at GALILEE in 2022.


To register your interest please email Ms Carnovale at


Further information, including days, dates and times, will be sent in early 2021. Keep an eye out in the school newsletter next year!


Many thanks,

Ms Carnovale and Miss Evans



At after school care this week, the children have really enjoyed playing with their friends. Gemma and the team were very glad to see the Galilee children back at GOSH and getting back into a routine. 

Oh, my goodness they have all grown so much!

In before care, Elijah was the only child so we decided to make the most of it. Elijah got the footy, went outside and said he wants to see if he could kick or throw the footy into the basketball hoop. Elijah and Gemma both worked out how to make it more challenging. 

To begin the week, the children got to know the theme of the week which was Art and Creative Minds Week.

Maya enjoyed drawing her own mandala flower art and used coloured and bright beads to make a bracelet. Lian also made a bracelet using his favourite colours.

Sarah, Zoe, Harriet, Lara, and Jessica all played so nicely together engaging with our new tea set while role playing a cafe that has food and drinks and for money they improvised and used the red and yellow connect 4 pieces.

The children have transitioned  back into the routine of remembering to wash or sanitize their hands when there is a headcount every 30 minutes. 

We have been playing a lot of group games like Octopus and Fruit Salad while enjoying the sunshine outside.

The children took part in a Letter by Nature photography art and crafts activity where they had to draw pictures like the weather, insects, animals, foods, and landscapes using metallic paints, pencils and crayons. The children were all remarkably proud of themselves the it's now beautifully displayed on the walls in the gosh room.
