Assistant Principal
Kyle Simkin
Assistant Principal
Kyle Simkin
After two weeks back of face to face teaching for our Year 7, 11 and 12 students, this week we welcomed the return of Year 8, 9 and 10 with great excitement. Monday morning saw Year 8 and Year 9 students completing quizzes and ice-breaker activities during Period 1, whilst our Year 10 students reconnected with their peers and staff by completing a number of activities during their Period 2 Bounce classes. The yard was back to being full of life and activity, with the noise of students chatting and laughing drowning out the birds that have been the dominant noise over the last few months. A number of staff and students expressed how happy they were to be back in the classroom and we look forward to settling into a regular routine for the remainder of the year. It has been a very long time since we have been able to have all of our staff and students onsite, and this milestone gives a chance to reflect on the sacrifices, hard work and ultimately the success all Victorians have contributed to, to get to this point.
Whilst on the topic of Victorian success, it was great to see the thrilling victory by the Melbourne Vixens in the Super Netball competition a fortnight ago, which was followed by Richmond claiming the AFL premiership and the Melbourne Storm winning the NRL title last weekend. What a successful week it has been for Victoria! Thankfully now, our students are also able to recommence outdoor non-contact sports in the community.
This week saw the end of timetabled classes for our Year 12 students, who have completed the most unusual final year of schooling I am ever likely to see. On Tuesday afternoon the class of 2020 gathered on the oval, in socially distanced groups, for their final assembly which was shared via video link into all of our Year 7 to 11 classes around the school. The assembly featured a number of musical items, a message from Mr Phillips and the prefects focussed on the pride that all our students should feel in the way they have faced the obstacles that, to quote Mr Phillips, the “Corona Coaster” has thrown their way in 2020. Our current prefects also introduced the prefects for 2021 and our Director of Performing Arts, Mr McNamara announced that the school will stage a Middle School production in Term 1 next year, a Senior production in Term 3 and a Junior School production in Term 4.
Our Year 12 students have done a great job in the face of unique challenges this year and as a school we wish them all the best as they complete their final revision prior to commencing their exams. With a little over 4 weeks left until the examination period concludes, the class of 2020 is definitely into the home straight. Thank you to the staff and families that have and will continue to support students through this time. Year 12 students are encouraged to use the next couple of weeks on focussed revision in preparation for their exams and are reminded that they can contact staff via email or Teams to ask questions or to arrange a time to meet at school. It is also important for students to ensure that they keep a regular routine during this time, with plenty of sleep and include time for other interests, including physical exercise, alongside their study.
For our Year 7 to 11 students, the focus in the classroom remains on reconnecting with peers and teachers and using this term effectively to learn new concepts and begin to revise and consolidate some of the material covered earlier in the year.
Year 11 Ball 2021 Update
In recent years the Year 11 Ball information evening has been held in Term 4, with the Ball held during Term 1 of the following year. As restrictions on large gatherings are likely to continue into early 2021, the school has made a decision to reschedule the Year 11 Ball to September 4th 2021, subject to the health guidelines at the time. An information evening is planned for Term 1 of next year.
Wishing everyone an enjoyable Melbourne Cup weekend.
Kyle Simkin
Acting Assistant Principal