Debating News

DAV Debating Competition Rounds 4

As we approach the final round of debates, I would say that this year has really been a challenging situation that our debaters have been able to grow and persevere through. 


Over the course of the season, our results have not been as successful as other seasons, however, I would argue that we have developed more as a group than I have ever seen in prior years that I have been involved in the debating co-curriculum. We have had multiple new members sign up and develop their skills as debaters, but have also shown significant improvements in organisation, time management and self-confidence. 


As unorthodox as this year has been, I would like to show gratitude to my fellow debaters. You have all given me respect as a captain and have allowed me to develop my skills as a leader throughout the year. I would also like to thank Mrs Weston and Ms Barton for their efforts as MiC’s over the debating season. It has been a strenuous time on both Mrs Weston and Ms Barton and the fact that they still managed to provide structure and a sense of familiarity to our teams proves that our co-curric is in good hands. 


Finally, if you are interested in debating in the 2021 season, I would strongly consider emailing myself, Mrs Weston or Ms Barton to ask for further details. From personal experience, it is still one of the best choices I have ever made, and I would welcome some new faces to the mix next year.


Will Hamilton

Captain of Debating




C Grade 2 Debate Round 4


Debaters: Jenna Ackland, Bailey Dolan, Orion Chatterjee, Oshy Kodippiliarachchi

Round 4 – SECRET TOPIC (given 1hr before zoom) That the government should pay people to move away from areas of high unemployment(Affirmative)

Outcome: Lost by 7



C Grade 1 Debate Round 4


Debaters: Viran Dhanapala (far left), Aksharan Shobanan (mid left), Remus Braiser (mid right) Dhruv Gupta (far right), Bella Merchant (not pictured)

Round 4: SECRET TOPIC – (given 1hr before zoom) That we should all be vegan (Affirmative)

Outcome: Won by 4



B Grade Team 1 Debate Round 4


Debaters: Lasith Kulasekara (left), Will Hamilton (right), Aubrey Jacobs (not pictured), Janidu Hathurusinghe (middle)

Round 4: SECRET TOPIC - That we should stop labelling children as gifted and talented Outcome: Lost by forfeit 



B Grade Team 2 Debate Round 4


Debaters: Eric Lovett (middle), Nathan Jones (right), Stirling Bellingham (left), Xav Dole

Round 4: SECRET TOPIC (given 1hr before zoom) - That we should stop labelling children as gifted and talented (Affirmative)

Outcome: Won by 2

Best Speaker: Xavier Dole (middle left) 


A Grade Debate Round 4


Debaters: Danai Mahachi (far left), Arunika Madina (mid left), Sophie Thompson (mid right), Woaliba Hadi (far right)

Round 4: SECRET TOPIC – (given 1hr before zoom) - That we should stop labelling children as gifted and talented (Negative)

Outcome: Lost by 3