Congratulations to...

Remus Brasier (9 Millward) 


Congratulatiosn to Remus Brasier who actively participated in a team effort in the state-wide DAV (Debaters Association of Victoria) competition this year. Remus was awarded a Swannie Award where his name will be published on the ‘Points of Information’ podcast as well as DAV’s Facebook page and website.


The Swannie Awards are awarded to the speaker in each region and grade who has the highest average speaker score after completing at least three debates during the year. This is such a fantastic achievement and I am certainly very proud of Remus and his fellow teammates, Viran Dhanapala, Aksharan Shobanan, Bella Marchant and Dhruv Gupta. 


Student Achievements

If you would like to have a student achievement recognised, please email Ms Kristi Mitchell via