Year 9 News

Term 4 2020 


What a great term we have had with the Year 9 students. We had Luke Kennedy virtually present  to our students discussing the importance of resilience, being your truth self and delving into how the choices and decisions we make can impact our lives. He shared some great strategies in becoming about best self, managing our mental health and the importance of setting a goal and working towards something you love. 


We then ran into a welcome back BBQ and had a group of 7 boys begin works on our Year 9 project of establishing a mountain bike track here at school. There is still a bit to go but with the hard work and dedication from these students there is hope to have it up and running for early 2021. 



A huge congratulations to all our subject awards winners and 100% attenders. 



The Year 9 Team, Mr Parker, Miss Cruise, Mr Ardi and Miss Lombard all wish the Year 9 students all the best as they begin their senior school journey, a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year and break.