Year 12 

Year 12 Leader - Grant Olarenshaw

Term 4  commenced with our students who are completing a 3/4 subject returning to school after 12 weeks away, to sit the GAT.  It was just wonderful to see them all face to face and they were so excited to be back.


In week 2 Year 12 VCE and VCAL students returned to school full time and hit the ground running sitting trial exams and completing outstanding projects. During this week every VCE student had one-on-one sessions with each of their subject teachers to receive feedback and advice on their practice exams and their general progress in the subject.Every Year 12 student was given a well-being package which included individual and personalised motivational quotes from each of their teachers. These quotes were intended to inspire students and also demonstrate the high esteem that teachers held them in – they were incredibly popular with students. Also included in the package was a Mornington Secondary College water bottle for use in the exams, shop vouchers and some treats. 


Week 3 saw a huge range of activities. On Monday we hosted the Red Frogs organization who talked to students about life after school.  This was followed by a BBQ cooked by the Year 12 coordination team for all of the Year 12 cohort. The next day we celebrated the cohort’s ‘Dreamcatchers’ with a special “chips and dim sim” lunch. 

And the fun didn’t just stop there.  On Thursday the Year 12 team threw a special “Throwback Party” for the whole Year12 cohort. This included piñata’s, children’s party food including party pies, sausage rolls, cocktail frankfurts and music from the early 2000’s, photos of MSC staff from their school years as well as photos of the Class of 2020 as they looked in their 6 year journey through MSC.  On the same day VCAL teachers organized the first ‘VCAL Academy Awards’ designed to humorously recognise the achievements of the cohort in what has been a very challenging year – the awards will undoubtedly become a fixture of the VCAL calendar.


Week 4 saw the last official classes for the Year 12 cohort. 


On the Monday students attended school dressed in a huge array of costumes on the theme of ‘What do you want to be when you grow up’. There were pirates, businessmen, Doctors, nurses, mad scientists, a group of middle-aged golfers, golfers, nuns, travelers, clowns, 2 bands of Mexicans, rockstars, groups of escaped convicts, superheroes, an appearance by Jesus, a worringly cold Borat in his ‘mankini’ and even an homage to the Senior School Assistant Principal Mr Papas. A fantastic effort was made by all students and many teachers re-imagined their youth by coming dressed in MSC Uniform. 


Tuesday was our official ‘Farewell Day’ to the Class of 2020. Of course, because of Covid-19 restrictions the day took a different approach to past years. We started early with a full cooked BBQ breakfast prepared by the Y12 team. Students were then dressed in their graduation sashes and were lead by the school’s drum corps through a line of Y7 students who gave each Y12 student a carnation and an inspirational message. The cohort convened in the Anzac Memorial Garden where they were addressed by the College Principal, Linda Stanton and the Year 12 Captains.  The assembly bid farewell to the Year 12’s with a raucous rendition of ‘Sweet Caroline’ - please find the link below. 



The farewell assembly finished when the Year 12 students passed through a long “guard of honour” formed by all students which culminated at the college stadium. Here students got the chance to view the videos that have traditionally been such a part of the MSC Farewell – the staff song and dance (this year ‘I’m still standing’ by Elton John), videos from Year 12 teachers offering their words of wisdom and the Class of 2020  themselves discussing their memories of MSC and plans for the future. The day was finished off with and address by Year 12 Leader, Grant Olarenshaw and students and staff signing shirts and eating pizza and cupcakes.



Principal's Valedictory Lunch

What a way to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our co-hort.  The students arrived looking fantastic and dressed for the occasion.  It was a wonderful day celebrating all their hard work.  We were all very proud





Aiden Ingliss has been working hard on a vertical vegetable wall on our Wellbeing Centre.  He has done a fantastic job.


Have a fantastic Christmas ...

Grant Olarenshaw

Year 12 Leader