Our Catholic Identity

Sacramental  Program for 2020


Congratulations to Gabriella QH, Laila M, Alexander V, Hannah M and Charlie M in Yr 3 who made their First Holy Communion last Sunday 8 November  with Fr Richard. A special time for them and their families as they receive the Eucharist for the first time and were nourished in their Faith. Thank you to Miss Gemmill who supported the students at this mass.


Our thoughts and prayers are with the other Yr 3 students as they prepare to make the Sacrament this Sunday 15 November. God Bless!


First Holy Communion Mass Booking/Registration


Candidates and their parents have been registered for these masses. A reminder that additional bookings enquiries need to be made via the Parish Office on 42 84 3000. Please be aware of the limit of 60 at each mass due to restrictions.



Congratulations to all the Yr 6 students who were recently sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. A very big thank you to Fr Patrick for administering the Sacrament in place of Bishop Brian. Thank you to Lisa (Parish Office) and Karen, Margot and Neicha for all their administrative support. To all the staff who attended the liturgies to support the children and their families at this special time in their faith journey, especially Mr Aguileria for his gift of music and Mr and Mrs Barnett for tech support, much gratitude. May the peace of God be with them always.



This program will include a 4 minute introduction and a 10 minute Gratitude Meditation. During this time of stillness you will be invited to reflect on the many gifts in your lives, your relationships, the activities you enjoy, the beauty in nature and times of challenge and growth. You may like to reflect on these areas of your life using a journal or you may choose to reflect on them internally. Allow your mind to gently contemplate these areas of your life and the feelings of gratitude to flow.


“I thank my God each time I think of you and when I pray for you, I pray with joy.” Philippians 1:3-4