Principal's Page

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Over the remaining weeks of the term, I am delighted to be able to share with you the artworks of our Year 5 and 6 students who were successful in their entry into Catholic Education, Diocese of Wollongong, Christmas Story Art Exhibition and Competition.


Each year, our Year 5 and 6 students spend time contemplating the scripture around the Christmas story and develop their visual arts skills to create their own interpretation of one of the selected scripture passages. The scripture includes the  Annunciation, the Journey to Bethlehem, the Birth of Jesus, the Journey of the Magi, and the Flight into Egypt.


In Religious Education lessons, students across all grades develop their understanding of scripture and the person of Jesus. Deep learning comes not just in having the knowledge of these passages but also coming to a personal understanding and personal relationship with Jesus. 


Christmas is an important time for us all as we contemplate the physical presence of God in the world in the person Jesus, both God and a man. Jesus came to fulfill God's mission so all may have life and have it to the full.  That too is our mission at St Joseph's.


This week, I invite you to spend a little time with Neala Chaston's artwork and contemplative reflection. 



Neála Chaston

St Joseph’s Bulli

Year Six

My artwork was inspired by Matthew 2:9-12. Mary was able to fight the ups and downs. She always had faith that God would be with her and for this reason, I am drawn to her as a gentle yet strong woman.


Gloomy swirls of fear circle Mary’s mind. I chose to create a forlorn background to emphasise Mary’s heavy mood. She had to journey for days, in danger of getting hurt or captured. 


Mary’s veil is coloured in yellows and light blues to represent her commitment to God, and at the same time, her audacity in challenging the customs of her time. I chose to use graphite and watercolour pencil because I like the detail and depth of colour that can be achieved through shading and blending. 


What really stood out to me was the passage’s line, “the star filled them with delight.” The star has been placed in the centre of Mary’s face, with the vivid colours drawing attention. The star in its abundance of colours, shows how Mary was divided by mixed feelings and emotions. It is also a renowned symbol of guidance and hope.


Thank you Neala.

For all things at St Joseph’s, give thanks!

Jen Charadia




How does my child receive feedback on their learning in class?

Effective student feedback on learning provides the bridge between assessment and learning. Staff at St Joseph’s Bulli have engaged in professional learning and have been focused on high-quality feedback in the classroom to improve student achievement. 


There is a strong evidence base behind the impact of feedback for learning. Teaching and learning activities and assessments, provide opportunities for teachers to gather evidence about students’ progress. This informs teacher feedback to students about their learning and what they need to do next to move forward.  The evidence also provides feedback to teachers, allowing them to evaluate and, if necessary, adapt or change strategies to ensure they are meeting the learning needs of their students. 


Our ongoing use of Learning Intentions and Co-constructed Success Criteria in the teaching and learning process makes the intended learning more explicit for students. As a result, students have become more capable of articulating what they are learning and why they are learning it


Effective feedback is used to point out strengths to the students and to offer specific information to guide their improvement. The feedback is linked to the Success Criteria. Effective feedback occurs during the learning process when there is time for students to act on the feedback given, and it is something manageable so each student is challenged at their point of need. The feedback tools used also allow students to seek out their own feedback independent of the teacher.


Some of the feedback tools being used successfully at St Joseph's are:

  • Bump It Up Walls
  • Success Criteria checklists
  • Learning Walls
  • Star and a Wish- Feedback forms the students can use with a peer to check their work against, where they have been successful, a 'Star', and an area for improvement, a 'Wish.'

As students become more familiar with these tools, they will develop their ability to self and peer assess and set their own individual learning goals. 

School Handbook

Principal Awards and Merit Awards

The following students will receive their Principal Awards at our afternoon assembly on Friday 20 November 2020.  Please note that our last Principal Awards will be Week 8 - Friday 4 December.

Mia R1st
Abigail T2nd
Mikayla K3rd
Lochlan V2nd
Minerva B3rd
Owen V4th

Acknowledgement to Country

St Joseph's Bulli acknowledges and pays respect to the Dharawal people past and present, the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built.