Year 7 Technology

Year 7 Technology get cracking!

7 Technology G concluded Trimester 2 by testing and evaluating egg rings they designed and made,  by having a bacon and egg BBQ.  Students said they had an egg-stremely enjoyable and egg-ucational egg-perience.  

All students began by learning the skills to safely make a simple “O” shaped egg ring using stainless steel. 

Once students perfected this process, they designed egg rings in shapes of their own choice.  7Technology G showed egg-cellent creativity and produced egg rings in the shape of raindrops, beans, hearts, squares, triangles and more!  

Mr Culverson said the egg ring unit of work is a good introduction to the design process and gives students a taste of working with metal. Technology (Mandatory) allows students to experience using different materials to solve problems by applying knowledge to real life situations.  Well done 7Technology G!