Book Week 2019

Despite being plagued with wet weather last week, the students thoroughly enjoyed the Book Week Parade on Friday as well as a range of activities across the week.  A highlight was when our Year 10 Curriculum Leaders, Sarah and Rose, read The All New Must Have 430 by Michael Speechley. In response to this wonderful picture book the students had to consider what they could do with a simple box.  The opportunity to discuss and consider ideas alongside their buddies was a highly rewarding experience.  Not only were they encouraged to be creative and innovative, and they certainly were, but it was an opportunity to strengthen relationships across the Primary School. 

Thank you to parents, grandparents and friends who assisted the students with their costumes.  They were simply fantastic! 


Classroom Doors

Our Secondary clans joined in the Book Week celebrations with decorating the doors to their rooms, with three doors being judged as winners.

1st place: Carmel 5 (SB3) 

2nd place: Loreto 4 (PH4)

3rd place: Year 6 Navy (PH3)


From the Curriculum Leaders


Last week Mount Camel embraced the magic of Book Week, where young and old celebrated the thing that makes our world so much more colourful.

With multiple activities on offer, the College participated, donated and paraded through the week with smiles on faces.


With the theme: Reading is my Secret Power, students were encouraged to consider the meaning of these words. There are many hidden powers embedded in reading and these range from gained skills, to boosted creativity levels. From being exposed to new vocabulary, expanding understanding about words in our world and how we use them, to the secret power of imagination and creativity, there are many secret powers that come with reading, each valuable and important.

In celebration of this theme, there were many things offered during this week to fully embrace the love of books. An exciting activity most classes participated in, was decorating the classroom doors in theme of books. It was up to the clan rooms to decide upon the particular book/s or author, to feature on the door for all to see. The classes that did participate in this fun, creative activity, lit up the classrooms with imagination.


The Heads of House deserve a special mention for their impeccable design of Kings Cross Station from Harry Potter . Another creative design was the Tina Arena book print out on the music room door. Scattered around the school, these pieces of work really are amazing and add some colour and imagination to our halls. Thank you once again to all participating classes, your contribution is outstanding. 



Multiple buckets were located in the library over the week, collecting any old, pre-loved books in good condition and students were encouraged to donate generously to those most in need of them. Book Week allows us to realise the importance and value of books and this donation bucket was to help those who may not have access to something we often take for granted. Along with some old science/maths textbooks and old library books, these donations will be going to worthy homes.

Cupcakes were sold in theme of fairytales on Wednesday, raising money for The Smith Family. This Australian Organisation aids children who struggle to access a decent education, due to financial strain and other issues. With melting witches, poisoned apples and princess belle cupcakes on offer, the support for this organisation was much appreciated. We are pleased to announce that as a College we raised over $100! Fantastic work everyone. This will surely be a sweet success for the foundation.

Concluding our festivities, a book parade for young and old was held on Friday at lunchtime, where an array of book characters were brought to life. From the classics to newly written novels, the book parade saw witches, queens, animals, students and mythical creatures. Some lucky prize getters won book vouchers for their valid efforts in a raffle, but everyone was a winner in the end, for each costume was amazing. Thank you to all the parents who no doubt played a large role in making and gathering  costumes. Teachers also got in the spirit, dressing up as their favourite book characters to parade around the college.

Book week was a big success with colour, creativity and excitement ringing through the school. With all the participation of students, our celebrations in the name of books was fantastic.


Rose Goward and Sarah Wilson-Haffenden

Curriculum Leaders