FMMakayla MFor your amazing ‘can-do’ attitude and attempting every task set. The effort you made in Daniel’s literacy group was amazing. You are a writing superstar!
12CAAva PFor displaying kindness and empathy towards others. I love the way you include others and make sure they are feeling ok. We all appreciate your caring attitude.
12DIssy BBFor your amazing ability to make your stories sound interesting. I love the adjectives you are using and I can’t wait to read your final narrative. Brilliant effort!
34SThe Year 3's!For their incredible effort, perseverance and positive attitude in completing NAPLAN this week. We're all so proud of you Year 3's! 
34KZoey TFor your fantastic maturity and leadership in our class this year, you are such a good influence, thank you!
5KMRori BFor always giving her best to her learning and everything we do in class. You are a hard worker, who asks great questions. I have been so proud watching you work and learn this year. Keep up the hard work! 
6RJRayne DFor making such a big effort in all areas this week. I loved your enthusiastic participation in class discussion, going out of your comfort zone socially and being so kind and thoughtful when your classmates needed a friend. Well done!
Performing Arts

Jackson Th


For having a go, putting yourself out of your comfort zone and joining in with our group dance. Awesome effort Jackson! Keep it up!
PEFoundation MYou are the best golfers in the school! I was so impressed with your shots and hand-eye coordination. You are all superstars!
Visual ArtsZoe B 6RJFor your amazing pole design. Your donuts made me hungry. You have done a brilliant job and should be proud of your efforts.