Middle Report (3/4)

Wominjeka from the GUMNUT COMMUNITY - Tim & Phoebe

Our May Learning Story

The Middle Learning Community began their investigation into the human body by investigating a range of body parts. Students have learnt how to use concept maps to assist in sharing their thinking and linking ideas. There has been much excitement about this topic, with students leading their investigation on a selected part body part. Explicit teaching on how to research safely through an online search engine has been a focus, enabling students to begin conducting their research.


Students in the Middle Learning Community have continued their focus on identifying their strengths as learners in a community. They participated in a survey to determine their top five character strengths. These included traits such as teamwork, kindness, love of learning etc. Each student in the community has decided to select a character strength they would like to grow.

Collaborative learning opportunities in the Middle Learning Community
Active Friday
A student during the independent reading routine
Structure of a narrative anchor charts
Our 'Character Strengths' display
Using the search engine Kiddle
Collaborative learning opportunities in the Middle Learning Community
Active Friday
A student during the independent reading routine
Structure of a narrative anchor charts
Our 'Character Strengths' display
Using the search engine Kiddle

In Mathematics, students have been learning about time, including how to read digital and analogue clocks. They have also been practising their number facts and skip counting by a range of numbers from non-zero starting points.


During writing sessions, students have been focusing on the structure of narrative text. They have been exposed to features specific to the text type, e.g. using dialogue and descriptive language. A focus has also been on developing strategies to assist students when writing independently. The Gumnut Learning Community is equipped with resources to support writing which students are encouraged to freely use, e.g. anchor charts, word lists, letter strips, iPads etc.


Home reading continues in Middle Learning Community, with students selecting texts from school or home to read and record on their reading log. Each log contains an individual reading goal that the student is working towards.


Happiest Birthday Wishes to you!
Happiest Birthday Wishes to you!

7th May Ali A turned 9 (34A)

11th May Finn C turned 9 (34B)

25th May Fariha A turned 9 (34A)

25th May Gurniwaz B turned 10 (34A)