
Wominjeka from Stacey (SWPBS Leader)

School Wide Positive Behaviours School (SWPBS)

At Wollert Primary School we are in the process of implementing the School Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPBS) Framework. SWPBS is a support framework that we will be using over the coming years to create a positive, safe and inclusive environment. This framework is based off evidence-based practices with the aim of establishing and sustaining a learning environment that sees students flourish. 


We are fortunate to be working with expertise in this through the Department and further. As mentioned in the Principal's Report, Dan Petro (Behaviour Analyst) work with our school forms a strong base on which to build our SWPBS implementation. A key component of implementing SWPBS in our school is making sure all of our community has input into making the framework work for our particular WPS needs. It can expect to receive opportunities in the coming term to offer feedback and ideas related to SWPBS to help form the home-school partnership approach we value so highly.

Being Brilliant by keeping our Community Clean
Being Brilliant by keeping our Community Clean
Being Brilliant by keeping our Community Clean
Being Brilliant by keeping our Community Clean

Our staff and students are currently collaborating on creating our Behaviour Expectation Matrix. This is an agreed visual representation of what we believe is most important in our school and how we can work together to meet these agreed expectations.


SWPBS and School Values

Our SWPBS Matrix will be based around our School Values: Be Kind, Be Brilliant, Be Curious, with the ultimate outcome of Be Joy. When students are demonstrating these values,  it will be a Wollert Primary School goal to catch them in the act and give positive praise. You will hear statements like, 'You were being kind by helping your friend at play, that's the wollert way!' around our school, reinforcing the kind, brilliant, curious and joyous environment we are building daily.

Teaching through the Matrix

Daniel Ioannides (SWPBS COACH) at WPS
Daniel Ioannides (SWPBS COACH) at WPS

Each of the behaviours outlined in the SWPBS Matrix will be explicitly taught and modelled for our students from Prep through to Year 6. Social and emotional skills do not just evolve. Targeted and intentional teaching of these skills will help set our students up for success.  We call on you in partnership to work with us to help your children learn through their mistakes, failings and successes. We are looking forward to sharing our learning with you and connect you to what this looks like for our learning communities and how you can support this growth.