Library News

Borrow some under told accounts of a shared history to celebrate National Reconciliation Week 2022
This week in the Library and across the College we are celebrating National Reconciliation Week 27 May - 3 June 2022. As many of you are already aware, these dates have been chosen to commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey — the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision.
This year the focus for National Reconciliation is to make change through brave actions in our daily lives. The library holds many treasures and recently published accounts of under-told parts of our shared history as it relates to the relationship between First Peoples and other Australians. By searching our collection with “Aboriginal” you will find fantastic resources books and e-resources including many that are aligned with our reading program. We invite our Library users to search online or come in and search, browse and borrow to celebrate National Reconciliation Week.
Overdue library books
Over the next two weeks our staff are reviewing overdue notices. If you have any library books at home, no matter how overdue we are always pleased to see books returned. Check lockers, at home and drop them in the crate outside the library or in the Returns shoot at the library counter.
What are you reading now?
For our fresh library display, staff across the College are generously sharing information on what they are currently reading. This is part of our collaboration with the English Leader of Learning to increase conversations at school about books and reading. The display aims to share not just what people are reading, but why they choose the book and why they think someone else would enjoy reading this book.
Premier’s Reading Challenge. It is a popular display with many staff and students enjoying finding out what others are reading.
Borrow a Premier’s Reading Challenge and receive a free sweet or chocolate
It is time for students to check in with how they are going in completing their Premier’s Reading Challenge 2022. To assist with this, the Library is running a one week offer. Borrow a Premier’s Reading Challenge book and receive a free sweet or chocolate. We look forward to seeing our students searching the shelves and displays soon.
Over the next few weeks we are looking forward to increasing our conversations with our students as we encourage our students to speak to us more about what they are reading now.
Ms Libby Laird - Teacher Librarian