Cucina For A Cause

On Tuesday twenty- five Year 5 and 6 students came together at lunch time to launch into our first week of baking. They busily made Italian chocolate balls (recipe included below). The room was abuzz with such excitement and enthusiasm.  We also talked about possible charities that we might raise money for. We will hope to let the school community know our chosen charity by next week. Later in the week a small group of students came together to bag and package the chocolate balls making them ready to be sold this coming Friday before school. They will cost between $ 1 and $ 3 depending on the size of the package. 


It has been a real pleasure watching the students taking on the initiative and showing a real commitment and passion for this project. We encourage other students in the school to show their support by purchasing when they can. Together we can all make a difference!


Bravi Ragazzi!

Silvana Pansino


Recipe 1 (ricetta) - Italian Chocolate balls


375 g ( grammi ) saviorardi sponge finger biscuits

150 g ( grammi) plain chocolate biscuits ( we will use chocolate ripple biscuits)

400 g (grammi) Condensed milk

3 tablespoons (cucchiai di tavola) cocoa poweder

½ cup (mezza tazza) desiccated coconut

2 teaspoons (cucchiaini) vanilla

½ cup ( mezza tazza) desiccated coconut

Instructions (Instruzioni) 

  1. Place (mette) the crushed biscuits into a bowl (terrina   )
  2. Add (aggiungere) the cocoa powder and coconut.
  3. Add (aggiungere) the vanilla.
  4. Pour in (versare) the condensed milk.
  5. Mix together. (mischiare insieme)
  6. Roll into small sized balls. (formare delle palline)
  7. Roll ball into coconut.
  8. Refigerate.

*The original recipe has Nutella (5 tablespoons) but due to allergies we used vanilla instead.