Art /Cultural/ Music / PE & Health
Specialist News
Art /Cultural/ Music / PE & Health
Specialist News
Last week in PE we had a change of timetable due to a couple of school events which I had to attend, so all classes from years 1-6 had a fun tabloid sports lesson where they used a range of skills to complete activities in small groups in a competitive environment by collecting a score and then tallying it up. The skills included jumping, catching, throwing, target practice, kicking and team work. The students love these lessons and it is great to see everyone synergise so well during these activities
Our Foundation students continued to work on their PMP program with some help of a few of our parents and grandparents, and I would just like to thank them very much for their support. These activities not only work on physical movements, but using the brain at the same time to coordinate thinking while moving. The students enjoy these programs and are very active.
This week is Reconciliation week, so in PE students were introduced to a number of indigenous games to learn a little bit about their traditions and culture. Again a fun lesson learning some skills and understanding why these games were played for developing important living skills and social engagement.
The games included Kangaroo - an imitation game, Kolap - a target practice game and Gorri- a game based on teaching young boys how to hunt.
Students thoroughly enjoyed these games.
In Health, students in all year levels have continued working through the Respectful Relationships curriculum and further explored Problem Solving strategies moving onto understanding and managing stress. We discussed what is stress and how to manage one’s own stresses. Again students have thoroughly enjoyed learning about these ideas and how they relate to them inside and outside of the classroom.
Last week our AFL and Netball team played Southmoor Primary School at Southmoor. Our netball team continues to try extremely hard to understand the game and be competitive against the other teams, but it has been challenging as half the team is made up of our grade 4 girls. As a results after a couple of quarters we mix up the girls from both schools to have a more competitive match but also allow our students to get a better understanding of the game.
They all continue to be excited and thoroughly enjoy playing with each other. Well done to all of the girls involved in the netball. We are very proud of their efforts, teamwork and sportsmanship.
The AFL team had their first win of the term with an emphatic 82 – 0 score line. There were multiple goal scorers and everyone worked really well together to achieve such a great result.
Visual Arts
Last week students were introduced to ROYGBIV which represents colours in the rainbow. They used acrylic paint to create an art piece while learning to experiment with mixing primary colours to make secondary and tertiary colours to help students understand colour theory.
All students were introduced to printmaking techniques with our Foundation students creating a symmetrical print and using stamps to create shapes and patterns.
Year 1&2 students made their own print collagraph by using foam shapes on cardboards square. Year 3&4 students made marks on a foam printing sheet and Year 5&6 students explored and experimented with monoprinting by using gelli plates for the first time.
Culture Studies
This week students continued to make Japanese origami butterflies at home and in their spare time so we could reach our school goal of 500. We can celebrate our achievements already as we have well and truly exceeded this goal. Well done to everyone on such a great effort. Students also finished off their designs and colouring in of their kimono clothes for their Ko Keshi dolls.
The whole school continued to learn about Indigenous culture by acknowledging Sorry day and Reconciliation week. Students learnt about what Reconciliation means by working together to be brave and make a change and building relationships. Students were given the opportunity to explore the Aboriginal dot art technique, where they created an Aboriginal inspired art piece to help celebrate and acknowledge the Indigenous culture.
I am so excited and proud of how motivated the students have been to be a part of a whole school Japanese Origami collaboration piece and how interested they have been while learning about other cultures and traditions.