Parent Q&A 

Come here to ask questions and find out all the answers!

Dear Families, 


We are providing the opportunity for families to ask questions using the QR Code below. Answers will be published in the newsletter every week. Please read below the questions that were asked this week!



Can there be another info night about camp for those who couldn't attend? We would appreciate it!


Luckily enough, we recorded the session and it is available on the following link -


Thanks so much for the Q&A QR code, but its quite hard to access from a phone (you need someone else's phone to read it.) Could you please send a link for it too?


Absolutely, Here is the link! 


When will we get our school photos? Thank you


School photos are expected to arrive before the end of the term. 


Community Comment:

Hi parents, just a request to check for bikes when opening your car doors on Murphy street. Because it's so narrow, it's hard for cyclists to stay a safe distance from parked cars. One helpful technique is the "Dutch Reach" where you open your door with your left hand - read more at