
Dear Families/Guardians, 


It has been another fantastic week of learning at Newlands as we enter the first week of winter! We would first like to thank all the families for booking their child’s Parent Teacher Interview times. As communicated previously, both the English and Spanish teachers will be present to discuss your child’s report.  There are still sometimes available and would encourage families to book them in as soon as possible. The Interviews will take place over three dates: Friday June 17th (Pupil Free Day), Tuesday June 21st & Wednesday June 22nd 3:45 - 4:45. 


The F/1 area has been like a Tesla factory this week. The students have been designing and creating their own automobiles to reinforce the push and pull concepts they have been learning during their Inquiry unit. The students have been completely engaged throughout inquiry learning experiences this term and I must say there are some great blueprints on what cars could potentially look like into the future. 


The 2/3s left the school this week as they ventured on their excursion to Bounce on Thursday. Not only did everyone have a fantastic time jumping, bouncing and climbing over a plethora of different trampolines – no one came back in ankle or knee brace. This was once again a fantastic way to reinforce many of the concepts they have been learning about during Inquiry. The smiles of all of the 2/3 students can be found on their page.


The 4/6s have been creating recipes in Spanish. It seems like their palette is still developing as while they have been incredibly creative, the soups and sandwiches they have created will definitely not get anyone a place on MasterChef. There is a great chance that Jose and Clara will not be able to move out of their beds this weekend as they trialled some of these awful concoctions. Bat spew in a soup!? Does not sound like a fun time. 


I would like to thank all the parents who have been coming into the classroom over the last few weeks. Newlands values Parent Engagement and having families involved in Literacy and Numeracy learning experiences is an authentic example of this. 


I would like to thank the School Leaders who have been involved in running our school tours this term. Next Tuesday is the final tour for the year. They have been fantastic in the way that they have showcased our school and its values. The school has reached its enrolment quota for the year and will not be accepting any enrolments from outside of the zone. We encourage all families who have a sibling starting next year or have a child beginning school in 2023 and live within our zone to please return your enrolment form by Tuesday the 7th of June. This will allow the school to be ready for our transition sessions which begin early in Term 3. 


A final reminder that next Friday is a Pupil Free Day. The staff will be working together in refining our Spanish Writing Continuum and English Reading Continuum. The school will be providing an onsite OSHC program on this day. If you are interested in having your children attend, please contact the school via email. 


The staff have already planned a multitude of exciting learning experiences for our second cultural week. The focus for this term is the significant Peruvian celebration ‘Inti Raymi’ also known as the Sun God Festival. We look forward to another week of learning to take place 100% in Spanish. The school will celebrate this term’s learning with an Open Classroom afternoon. This will take place next Thursday, 16th June at 2:30pm. The teachers and students are excited about sharing their learning with you. 


We hope you have a fantastic weekend!



Ross Dudgeon