News from Yr 4/5/6

Inquiry, Football Clinic & Maths

Our topic for Inquiry this term is Natural Disasters in particular how to prepare for them and what the effects of them are on different communities. In starting the unit, we read a book called Fire by Jackie French. This book is about wildfires and bushfires, the students listened to the book without being shown any pictures. The idea of this was for the students to focus on listening to the descriptive language in the text. The students then created a picture of what we thought the fire looked like from the book based on the descriptive words used in the text. These creations were created using oil pastels.

The students participated in a SEDA AFL clinic. The Year 4/5/6’s had a great time during this clinic learning new games such as footy tennis and the skills involved in AFL which are kicking, handballing and bouncing. 

This AFL clinic helped the Year 4/5/6’s get ready for interschool sport this term as we are playing AFL 9s. The students indicated how outstanding the clinic was and that they enjoyed learning a sport they may have not chosen otherwise.

To start the term, we have been doing a fractions unit in Year 4/5/6 where we talk about comparing and ordering fractions from smallest to largest by using a range of strategies one of which being a fraction wall. We also are learning about equivalent fractions, as well as equivalent percentages and decimals. To help consolidate the students' understanding they have been playing games where they have to match the equivalent fraction together by finding their partner.

Kind Regards


Mr Jack Cirillo

Year 4/5/6 Classroom Teacher