Our ‘Pulse’ parents group – known as the heart of the BHCS Parent community, generously provides two essential functions for our school:

·      Ensuring all families feel welcome and connected, by providing opportunities to bring the school community together through a wide range of activities, interactions, and annual events.

·      Providing helpful services for our parent community, some of which raise funds that are used to offer gestures of care to families in times of need, or to support the activity of parent connection.


Our Pulse Coordinator is: Amanda Wight pulse@bhcs.vic.edu.au

Our current parent representatives on the BHCS Council are:

Amanda Wight, Trent Young, Yolanda Cox and Sandra Aggromito


Opportunities to Serve Our School


Second-hand Uniform Representative

A great opportunity exists for a parent to serve our school community: Pulse are looking for a BHCS parent who would be interested in taking on a small Facebook Buy Swap Sell project.

How it serves our community

- aiding our parents to purchase and/or sell pre-loved uniform items

- raising funds for Pulse to give back to the community

- connection and support

What it involves

- collecting donated uniforms from the BHCS office on a regular basis (minimum once 

 a term)

- photographing items

- listing on the official BHCS uniform buy swap sell page

- arranging for collection with the purchaser

- returning of monies and unsold items to the BHCS office (this then gets deposited into the Pulse account).


If you are interested, please email klagreca@bhcs.vic.edu.au or see Krista at the Student Services window.


Father’s Day Stall Team

Join our fun and relaxed team to plan, purchase and/or create items to bless our families with a stall of gifts for Father’s Day each year.

There is room on this team for people who like to….Shop, Craft, Create, Wrap, Decorate, Play Shops, Interact with students, or just simply have a chat with other parents!

This year’s stall is set for Wednesday 31st August!

Contact: Amanda on pulse@bhcs.vic.edu.au


Mother’s Day Stall Team

Join our fun and relaxed team to plan, purchase and/or create items to bless our families with a stall of gifts for Mother’s Day each year.

There is room on this team for people who like to….Shop, Craft, Create, Wrap, Decorate, Play Shops, Interact with students, or just simply have a chat with other parents!

We are so pleased with how our Mother’s Day stall served the community this year!  Ideas are already flowing for 2023!

Contact: Amanda on pulse@bhcs.vic.edu.au


Social Events Team

Help us to plan and promote welcoming and engaging events for our parent community to connect and socialise. From basic after school Picnics in the park, to Dinners or Special Interest activities.

Join our enthusiastic team to make all the fun happen!

Contact: Amanda on pulse@bhcs.vic.edu.au