GEC Parents Association
Email us to join and for further information.
Election Day Stall: Saturday, 21 May
Helpers needed at stall 8am - 1pm
BBQ, bakers, jam makers, crafters and growers
Glen Eira College will be a polling place for the Federal Election. Our Parents Association stall will sell traditional “democracy sausages” and more; and welcome the local community to our school.
If you can help for an hour or have any ideas or queries email us.
Donations of biscuits, muffins, slices, jams, home grown lemons, herbs, flower posies, and craft welcome. Please label your baked goods with all ingredients and complete the donation list at the stall. Packaging and labels available from the General Office and at the election stall.
Secondhand Uniform Stall
Thursday, 26 May, 3:07pm - 4pm – outside the library.
Cash preferred, for ease of transaction, but credit cards also accepted. Prices range from $10 for polo tops and shirts and $20 for grey pants and track pants to $35 for jackets. As always, helpers and donations welcome.
Parents/carers supporting neuro-diverse students group
Coffee and chat Sunday 22 May
11-45am-12.45pm, The Servery Café Royal Ave opposite Glen Huntly Station
– footpath tables – undercover and best dress warmly
A few of us parents have started this group to support parents and GEC, assisting students with learning difficulties and other neurodiversity. We will discuss how our group can support parents and advocate constructively to the school on common concerns. This will be our first group meeting and we hope the start of a really worthwhile group to help our kids and others at GEC.
Contact Cathy 0412 119 807
Maths Learning Difficulties including Dyscalculia – information session Tuesday 31st May - free
5.30pm - 6.30pm GEC Performing Arts Centre
GECPA has organised Dr Judi Humberstone from Melbourne University to run a practical information session on supporting students with Maths Learning Difficulties including Dyscalculia – for parents/carers and teachers. Judi Humberstone is University of Melbourne expert on Maths learning difficulties and a former school principal with 23 years experience of teaching maths at the secondary level. Book your seats here:
Thanks to parent Alicia and GEC Principal Sheereen Kindler for organising Judi to speak.
Maths Learning Difficulties and Dyscalculia Service (
Rose Robinson – GECPA - Volunteer Extraordinaire
In recognition of her unwavering leadership of and contribution to the second-hand uniform stall, Breakfast Club and all sorts of other GECPA activities, we have recently nominated Rose for a certificate of appreciation. She will be receiving a Glen Eira City Council's Community Awards event on 19 May.
GECPA Committee Meeting
The next committee meeting will be held online at 7:30pm on Tuesday, 17 May – please email us for joining link.
Parents Victoria Conference
You can register to attend this free event, which is scheduled for 18 May at 7:30pm, here. The program includes discussions around consent and respectful relationships and state elections.
Weekly Walk and Talk
We have a social walking group which meets Tuesday after dinner for a 1 hour walk (weather permitting). So that we can keep in contact, we have set up a messaging group on Whatsapp. To join the group, just email us your name and phone number.
GEC Alumni
The Glen Eira College Alumni Program is a student-centric program that connects past students with current students. This program aims to bring alumni back to inform and inspire students about different post-school pathways and career opportunities, motivate students and enrich the GEC community. Join their Facebook page for updates.
Entertainment Books
Support the college by purchasing Entertainment Books, with 20% going directly to GEC. You’re automatically a fundraising super-star! If you purchase a single-city membership before 1 June, you will be awarded a $20 eGift card - or $40 for the multi-city one.
Bicycle Ride GEC area – World Environment Day Sunday morning 5th June
Experience riding around GEC, Caulfield Station, Racecourse and Level Crossing area to Djerring Trail. Discover opportunities in planned projects linking 6 paths with Glen Eira Bicycle Users Group and local councillors. Easy, friendly flat bike ride – road and trail riding. Optional coffee after.
Contact Cathy 0412 119 807
Cathy McNaughton, Editor, GECPA Newsletter
Contributors: Tessa Spanneberg, Nicole Bishop