Senior School

Camps are typically highlights of College life for a student and Year 9 Camp was certainly that. Students successfully withstood the inclement start to this pivotal time, and while packs may have been organised in the rain, nothing could dampen the mood of the three camp groups.
I was privileged to spend some time with the Civil Rice Movement group and get to know a small team of quality young men. We spent time organising food, making damper, splitting firewood and some of us even made pickles. Abseiling was one of the best parts where each of us placed our complete trust in a person we realised was qualified, but we did not really know, as we clambered down a rock face suspended only by a single rope. We were challenged, especially in taking the first vertical step of descent, and I’m pleased to report each of us succeeded and enjoyed the experience of overcoming a very rational fear.
It was interesting as a senior staff member to try to ensure I kept out of the way sufficiently so the boys could make their own decisions on things that would shape their journey; which food to pack and how; who would carry the tent; how to equitably divide the communal belongings and which route to follow based on the topographic map provided. We experienced some unexpected adventures and they rose to the occasion to overcome all the obstacles that came their way as a unified team. I was very proud of the way they faced adversity and know that every other camp leader also celebrated the growth seen during this pivotal Year 9. Thanks and congratulations to Mr Fox and Auscamp for organising this amazing week!
Congratulations to the Year 11 students on organising a fantastic Year 11 Dinner. We were all extremely grateful to hold this event after two years of lockdown and interruptions to scheduling. One of the commitments I made during remote learning was to try extremely hard to ensure I do not take for granted the many freedoms we enjoy in Australian education, or in Australian life in general. I, therefore, relished each moment as students arrived, some in stretch limos, all looking beautiful, and Chateau Wyuna swelled with the joyous sound of young people enjoying a well-conducted social event. We were entertained by the delightful voices of Ashley Thomas and Olivia Mansell (I Dreamed a Dream), Jessica Nassar (Speechless), and Alicia Barker and Leila Rivet (His Eye Is on The Sparrow) as they performed between delectable dishes. The evening rushed past, and students obviously enjoyed the dancing which concluded the evening. An enormous well done and thank you to our Masters of Ceremony Jarvis Eleveld, Alex Lai, Alicia Barker and Jessica Nassar, the Year 11 Coordinator, Mr van Gaalen and the Year 11 Dinner Committee!
We recently spent a week focused on Wellbeing including RUOK Day. I think the downball tournament was even more enjoyable than the individually baked cookie but both were memorable and appreciated. It was extremely rewarding to spend time thinking about others and checking in that they were okay, trying to raise awareness of the importance of looking out for those in our community. A massive thank you to Mrs Bruce and all others involved in making this week such a success.
The Year 9 Election Program is an exceptional opportunity for our students to learn through involvement how the Australian Electoral System operates. Students become members of a party with a focus on a key social issue relevant to young people and work together to support their party leader as they campaign for the voters’ ears. Speeches, flyers, general discussions and more will occur, culminating in the finalisation of portfolios and the announcement of the electoral winner after ballot counting. This unique opportunity helps students understand the operational workings of our democratic system and introduces the role of the constitution in the governance of our great nation. Thank you to Mr White and the Year 9 Home Group team for their work to ensure this great event ran smoothly.
Thank you to all who have attended Parent Teacher Interviews over the last two weeks. As a College, it has been a pleasure to meet with you and discuss the most important person in the world – your child. Please continue to communicate as required as we work together to help every young person reach their potential and enjoy life at school and prepare for life beyond our walls.
As we commence the term break, it is fitting to think of our Year 12 students who will be undertaking Practice Exams and Revision classes in most subjects during the second week. We encourage our most senior cohort to endeavour to make time for rest and relaxation during the first week, knowing that this year is a marathon and not a sprint. We trust they feel they are being well prepared for the upcoming end-of-year examinations which are a significant milestone in each student’s life. We trust they know we are all behind them as a learning team, parents and staff, and all want the very best for them.
To all our families, may this holiday time be one of safety and enjoyment, whether you have some time off or not. It is marvellous to be returning to so much normality and I hope that you too are enjoying this immensely. I love the following sentence from scripture and after reading it always try to remember that in God’s eyes, I am still young and have much to be joyful about.
You who are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Ecclesiastes 11:9
Greg Barker
Deputy Principal – Head of Senior School