General Notices

Instrument Drop Off Parking Zone
From the start of Term 4, each morning (Monday-Friday) between 8.00am and 8.45am, the parking spaces in front of the BPAC will be reserved for instrument drop offs. Parents with students dropping off instruments are permitted to park in spaces indicated by the orange signs and orange cones, for no longer than two minutes and then must move on.
Road Laws and Safe Driving
We have received further complaints of some parents / drivers not following normal road laws, both on the College property and in Billanook Way.
For example, at the Stadium car park – You MUST NOT enter the car park via a car park exit road. (The signs clearly state No Entry.) We have had near misses where cars correctly exiting the car park have been met head on with cars incorrectly entering the car park! Please spend the extra 10-15 seconds to travel along the road to enter the car park from the northwest entry point.
And another example, at Billanook Way – It is NOT legal to park across a neighbour’s driveway, nor to park in a neighbour’s driveway (without their express permission). Local By-laws Officers have been alerted to this ongoing problem by our neighbours. Please show respect and courtesy to our neighbours in Billanook Way.
We urge all drivers to follow the road laws, and to always show patience and courtesy to other road users.
Andrew Holland
Business Manager
We have limited vacancies for next year and would encourage you to submit your Enrolment Application Form as soon as possible if you wish your child to be considered for a place.
We are now accepting enrolments for 2024 and beyond (particularly Prep and Year 7) and look forward to hearing from you if you wish to enrol your child(ren).
Notice to Withdraw
Parents are reminded of their obligation to give the College one full term’s notice, in writing to the Principal, if their children are not continuing at Oxley Christian College. The lack of one term’s notice will result in the payment of one term’s Tuition Fees.
It is also a legal requirement for you to inform us of the school to which your child’s enrolment is transferring.
Caroline Lewis
Open 6.30am - 6.30pm | 9727 9200 |
Oxley Kids is now taking applications for 2024 and beyond. Please contact us on 9727 9200 or if you would like to book your child in for child care or kindergarten.
Kim Sopar
Oxley Kids Director