Student Learning 

P4 Visit SAPOL Road Safety Centre

P4 had a very informative  and enjoyable excursion to the SAPOL Road Safety Centre. The children learned about the different roles of police officers in our community, and how to keep safe on the road. The children learned “stop, look, listen, think”  and then had a chance to practice as they walked and then cycled around the mock roadway.

Design, Technology and Maths in M5

Recently in Design and Technology M5 students completed a challenge to build a 3D model to show their understanding of the maths concept of Part Part Whole. The success criteria required students:


Build 3 objects that stand up on their own and are attached to a base.


Make each object a different size.


The height of 2 objects when added together must equal the height of the third   object (Part, Part, Whole)



 “The monkey I made was 10.5cm centimetres and the bush was 5.5cm and the tree was 16cm. The 2 parts were the monkey and the bush and the whole was the tree” Medhansh. 


“The hotel I made was 24cm. That was the whole. My 2 parts were the trees, one was 13cm and the other one was 11cm. I added a monkey because the hotel is in the jungle”. Avigayil. 


“One of the girls I made is 5.8cm another is 8cm. These 2 girls are my parts. The tree measures 13.8cm and this is my whole” Harshita.


“I measured out the building before I joined it all together. I used my origami skills to gold a paper crane and cut the tail off so it wasn’t so tall” Janice.



"Air Bee N Bees"

Have you heard of or seen the Blue Banded Bee? In R-2 Science we completed research about these unique Australian native bees.  Blue Banded Bees are striking looking, with a golden thorax and bands of metallic blue  on their backs. They perform a special type of pollination called "Buzz Pollination" which certain species of plants need  to be fertilised. Blue Banded Bees do have stingers but are not aggressive.  Urbanisation has meant habitat destruction for these beautiful and important insects.  We discovered that we can help the Blue Banded Bees by creating bee hotels for them out of materials which support the way they prefer to live.  We tried a few different ways to make them and found that putting a special type of clay in PVC piping was the most effective (fun and messy!) way to create the hotels.  Our "Air Bee N Bees" are now ready to be put in a designated area of the school by the Sustainability Action Team along with some native plants we hope the Blue Banded Bees will enjoy once they eventually move in!


If you would like to create a native bee hotel with your family, you can find more information here on this Gardening Australia episode*