Word Study/Maths


This term, we will continue on with the Sounds-Write program, which is a phonics approach to the teaching of Reading. We will be teaching students that sounds can be represented by one letter. in addition to the sounds taught last term, this term we will introduce  /n/, /o/, /p/, /b/, /c/, /g/, /h/. We will be building, spelling and reading words using these sounds. 

If you would like to learn more about the Sounds Right program, please click on this link https://www.sounds-write.co.uk/page-96-video.aspx


We have also started to learn high frequency words, such as ‘I’, ‘the’, ‘went’, 'to', these are the words that will appear most in their 'Just Right' books. This will help our students when they are reading and writing. 







In Mathematics, we celebrate the number of days we have been at school by completing a range of Mathematics activities such as crossing the Calendar and putting a star on the Hundreds chart. We ensure that we make Maths not only engaging and fun, but real life and meaningful to our students. Our Preps are enjoying singing a range of number songs and playing a range of Maths games. 

We have started the term with consolidating the Maths skills taught in Term 1 such as making, naming and writing numbers to 10. We have been practising counting forwards and backwards to 20 and beyond through song and games. We will be focusing on comparing collections and whether a collection is the same, less or more. Our students will begin ‘subitising’ which is when they can tell you how many objects they can see without counting, such as dots on a dice. We will also be exploring location where students will be able to follow and give directions to describe where an object is.