Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden 

SAKG - Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program


 Level 3 & 4


Kitchen Classes

Recipes made:

Roasted Pumpkin Soup

Zucchini Soup                                                          Youvarlakia Avgolemono 

Herb bread in terracotta pots                              (Meatballs in lemon sauce soup)

Apple and Rhubarb crumble                               Delicious lemon Pudding


An emphasise on basic knife skills have been practised :  Gripping the knife correctly,           preparing a non slip cutting board, chopping, dicing and slicing apples, rhubarb, zucchini, lemons, onions, garlic & herbs.



Each session students have been encouraged to:

Read recipes, follow instructions, share the chore of cleaning up, being mindful around boiling pots of water, using manners, trying the flavours of different foods, and best of all sharing the pleasurable experience of fresh delicious food.



Garden Classes


Each class contributes to a different job in the Vegetable garden. 

We had Compost awareness week 1-7th of May. Students were introduced to Biodiversity, and the recipe needed to create a healthy habitat for microorganisms.


Students have cared for the chickens, maintained garden beds by weeding, collected leaves for the compost, shredded paper, ripped up cardboard, planted broccoli, broccolini, cauliflower, cabbages, carrots, spring onions, artichokes, spinach, coriander. 

Experimenting with trying to germinate dried legumes in the bottom garden, broad beans, snow peas and sugar snap peas in the top garden.