School Council News 

Week 5  Term 2

Partnerships - Convenor Narelle Evans

This section written by the WPPS Team for the newsletter

Our Partnership Committee are a hardworking team of people who volunteer their time to enable community events and provide much needed fundraising support for our school.

The Partnerships Team has been very active in the past two weeks - huge thanks to 

Narelle and her team for the wonderful Glow Disco and for running the Election Day BBQ. We truely appreciate the work they do for our school.

Upcoming events include; A ladies night, pie drive and Trivia Night - information will be shared with the community as soon as possible. 

The committee are always looking for new members - if you are willing to join this committee, please let us know.



Brew & Willow Coffee Van
Brew & Willow Coffee Van


Fathers of the Oak - Convenor Matt Kohler

Last Thursday evening, the Fathers of the Oak held their first event for 2022, lawn bowls at the Chirnside Park Lawn Bowls Club. With 45 dads and father figures in attendance, it was a great night, plenty of laughs and a great chance to connect and re connect with other dads in our school community. It was great to see so many of our dads out there, and the assistance provided by the bowling club was fantastic.

We received this note from the club :


Hi Mathew,

 Just a note to say what a pleasure it was to have the Wonga Park PS “dads” bowling on Thursday. We do host many functions such as this and although they are always a success, not all are as enthusiastic, so receptive to being shown how to control the bowl and appreciative of our members` time.


 We look forward to planning our next event, which will be a kids and dads event in term 3, so keep an eye out for the details when they are sent out. We have also attached a brief overview of the Fathering Project and what it does within our school community, and would encourage you to go the web site www.fatheringproject.orgthere is lots of valuable content and you can locate the Wonga Park primary school group, and sign up for updates while you are there.


Education Sub Committee - Convenor Adele Brice

The Child Safe School Council training was presented to school councillors at our School Council meeting on Monday 23rd May 2022.

Several policies have been recently updated by the committee and passed at school council, links to these policies are included so you can view them on our website;

The next policies due to be reviewed by our sub committee are;

  • Attendance Policy
  • Digital Learning Policy


Finance Sub Committee - Convenor Michelle Rose

The Finance Sub Committee are currently reviewing the following finance policies;

  • Electronic Funds Management Policy
  • School Purchasing Card Policy 
  • Parent Payment Policy
  • Cash Handling