Assistant Principal's Message - 

Adele Brice 

Week 5 Term 2

Parent Representatives 

Many thanks to our Prep Parent Reps for organising the Easter Raffle - the raffle is a much loved and something that our students look forward. 

Huge thanks also to our Grade 3/4 Parent Reps for organising the catering for the School Cross Country. Such a mammoth effort, we could not have done it without you -  thank you. 


Cyber Safety Project

There was a fabulous turn up at the parent session run by the Cyber Safety parent workshop which was held at the end of Term 1. 

As you are no doubt aware, the team worked with all students and also the staff. We have an ongoing relationship with this team. Our staff accessing the teaching materials and provide regular cyber safety sessions throughout the year. If you were unable to make the session, we encourage you to explore the eSafety Commissioners website. 


eSafety Commissioner

The eSafety Guide is a wonderful resource which highlights and shares important advice about safety features, including how to use the settings to report online abuse and protect personal information. 

We encourage you to familiarise yourself with the guide and to contact your child's teacher if you have any questions. 

The 2022 free webinars are an excellent resource for parents - a copy of the calendar is below. 


The May webinar is titled; Parental Controls, the content is suitable for parents of children aged 4-13 years old. Register for the session via the link:

Find out how to set up devices and apps to help keep young people safe online.

This webinar will include practical tips, demonstrations and advice - designed for parents and carers of kids aged 4 to 13 years old.

The presentation will cover:

  • the benefits and limitations of parental controls
  • how to safely set up iOS and Android devices
  • how to safely set up popular games and apps, like YouTube and Roblox
  • family tech agreements and other parenting strategies to manage online risks
  • how eSafety can help you when things go wrong.

Term 2 dates (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)

Thursday 19 May 12.30 – 1.30 pm 

Tuesday 31 May 12.30 – 1.30 pm  




Referrals to Jen Dooley

Wonga Park Primary School employs a school counsellor one a week to support the wellbeing of our students and staff, Jen is a wonderful asset for our school.

Fromtime to time either you or your child's teacher may suggest that it might be helpful to access Jen's support. 

To access this support we ask that you follow the steps below;

1) Reach out and have a conversation with your child's teacher to alert them to the concerns

2) After the initial concern is flagged, the teacher will have a conversation with me and your child will be triaged for support

3) If you would like to speak with me prior to Jen, please let your class teacher know


We ask that you do not email or phone Jen directly, students are triaged through the BP team.


State Schools Relief 

State Schools Relief is a not-for-profit organisation that improves the lives of tens of thousands of disadvantaged Victorian students, and their families, each year. service ensures that all students can attend school in warmth and comfort with a greater sense of belonging and improved self-esteem, which in turn enhances their educational engagement. 

SSR provides government school students with new uniforms, footwear and educational resources, including learning devices. We work side by side with all Victorian state schools to ensure that any students facing hardship have the necessary items they require for school.

Should you require support with uniform (also includes raincoats, shoes, underwear, bathers etc) please email, call or drop in to see me. 

The Prep CSEF Uniform packages are now open - please see the flyer below and do not hesitate to contact me if you are in receipt of CSEF. 



Child Safe Standards

New Child Safe Standards will be released on 1st July 2022. Staff will shortly be undergoing training regarding this, information will be shared with the community as soon as possible regarding the changes. 


Attendance Matters

It is important that students attend school during normal hours, every day of term unless they are unwell. It is also important that children arrive on time - our Golden 10 runs from 8.50am - 9.00am every morning. The Golden 10 allows our students to connect with their class teacher and peers prior to commencing learning - learning commences at 9.00am. If you are experiencing any difficulty regarding attendance please do not hesitate to contact me. 


Communication regarding upcoming events/happenings around the school 

The Wonga Weekly is a great way to stay in touch with what is happening in your child's level - a link to these level newsletters is shared weekly via an email.

Our Team Leaders will be endeavouring to ensure events are placed on the Sentral calendar so you are aware of what is coming up in your child's level. You can access the calendar via the Sentral app or entering online via the Sentral website.


Drop off/Pick up update 

Just a reminder that the drop off/pick up area at the front of the school on Dudley Road (near the main gates) is for Prep - 2 students with no siblings

We are seeing an increased volume of  traffic in this area, and are to avoid traffic congestion so please only use this zone if you you have a P-2 student with no siblings.

Please do not park or block the the Disabled Access parking space, it is very important that this space is left free at all times, unless you are eligible to park in the space.

Finally, just a reminder that our dismissal times are 3.20pm for A-K students and 3.30pm for L-Z students. 

Students walking home will be dismissed at 3.20pm.

Students attending TheirCare will not be dismissed until 3.30pm regardless of their surname. 



Adele Brice

Assistant Principal