Co-curricular - Senior Sport

I would ask that all students and parents read the Director of Co-curricular, Mr Steve Fochesato’s article on the roll out/reintroduction of Co-curricular activities.


Please note that trial/training schedules will be made available to all students and parents via Team App, College website and sports notice boards in due course. 


Anthony Calavassy                             

Head of Senior School Sport             


Roll Out and Reintroduction

COVID-19 has led to many changes in our daily lives, including the postponement or cancellation of some of our College activities. Notably, our co-curricular program has been significantly affected in the past few months. We are constantly monitoring government, health and sporting associations’ expectations with respect to the conduct of co-curricular activities in their various forms.


Now that the boys have now resumed face-to-face learning, the College will endeavour, where possible, to return to a sense of normality. At present there is an overwhelming sense that our boys are incredibly keen to take part in Co-curricular activities if the opportunity arises. This desire is no more evident than amongst the Year 12 cohort, for obvious reasons.


I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge, commend and thank Mr Calavassy, Mr Locke, Mr Rose and the various MIC’s who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to prepare for the recommencement of such activities. They have spent numerous hours in planning, working through and with Government guidelines in order to ensure that any return will be done in a safe manner. As you can imagine, this task has been made very difficult in light of the rapidly changing protocols/controls put in place by Government and Health agencies on a week-to-week and sometimes daily basis. This has led to many plans having to be scrapped and started again. Sadly, but understandably, this may well continue for some time.


Notwithstanding the above-mentioned, I write to inform you of what, how and when the Co-curricular activities will resume and in some cases, continue. Please note that all we can do is plan and adjust accordingly as we navigate our way back to normal proceedings. 


I ask that you note the following arrangements:



Scheduled to commence late August which may include a slightly shortened season.


Band and Orchestral Programs

Ensembles linked to Brass and Woodwind will continue to work online for the remainder of Term 2. The remaining ensembles will practise on site, albeit in a safe and modified manner. Parents and boys attached to these programs have been emailed relevant details and schedules. 


Cross Country 

Training to commence in Week 1 of Term 3.



The various Choirs will continue working online for the remainder of Term 2.



While the College is waiting for further advice from the CSDA in relation to whether or not competition rounds will take place in 2020, internal trials followed by training will commence in Week 6, Term 2. 


Duke of Edinburgh

Given the breadth of activities associated with this scheme, no formal practice sessions/services will take place for the remainder of Term 2.



To resume Tuesday 2 June.


Mock Trial 

Training will recommence in Week 7 of Term 2. A shortened season will then take place.


Public Speaking 

Zone finals are scheduled to take place via Zoom on Friday 12 June with the Grand Finals run the following Friday afternoon 19 June.


Social Justice

To resume Wednesday 27 May.



Both the Intermediate and Senior Groups will resume training in Week 6, Term 2, albeit the competition has been cancelled. Trials for the Primary and Junior groups will take place in Week 1, Term 3.


Winter Sports

Opens Rugby and Football trials to commence in Week 5, Term 2. All other age groups, Tennis and AFL will commence in Week 6, Term 2. Please note that protocols/controls similar to the Australian Institute of Sport Framework for the Resumption of Sport will be put in place. These protocols will be shared with the College community via Team App and the College website.


The College is currently negotiating with a number of schools to arrange SENIOR SCHOOL Rugby, Tennis and Football fixtures for Saturday 27 June (first day of Semester 1 break). Clearly, the fixtures going ahead are dependent on Government approval for contact training to take place and the availability of outside coaches and council grounds.


Relevant details relating to trials, training sessions and confirmation of the first round of fixtures will be forwarded to the community in due course. 


Homework Club

Recommences on Monday 1 June.


Parents are welcome to contact me if they have any queries. In the meantime, I thank you for your understanding, support and patience. 


Steve Fochesato

Director of Co-curricular