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Growing Faith at Home

Out we go. This week’s Growing Faith at Home resource is entitled ‘Jesus sends us out’.


Isn’t it funny that when it comes down to it, we sometimes feel unprepared to go out and do what we are tasked with. I’m thinking that even the disciples had their moments. But they were equipped… with the Holy Spirit and a life changing message of love, hope and a future to impact a world in need. And so are we!

Check out these resources and live today confident that God is with us in this!

God bless you and your week!

Georgie Schuster

Imagination / OSHC

It has been great to see many children back at OSHC, meaning many families are back at work!


Below is the Vacation Care Program with the booking form at the back! 

If you have any questions, queries or feedback, contact Alanah here.

Sharing is Caring

Non-perishable food items or monetary donations are still being collected to aid the Lutheran Community Care COVID-19 appeal as part of our Chapel Offerings for Term 2.

LLL Bank Interest

Please send any LLL passbooks to the school office (via Communication buckets) so that books can be updated with interest.

2nd Hand Uniforms

If you've found pre-loved school uniforms in wardrobes at home, now is the time to hand them in.  Our collection of (old style) 2nd hand uniforms will be closing at the end of this term.  If they are still in good condition, we would love to send them to schools in need.

Entertainment Memberships

With the opening up of cafe's, restaurants and other family attractions, now is the time to purchase vouchers.  You will pay off your membership in no time using the buy one, get one free offers, or 5%-50% of dry cleaning, supermarkets, shoes and sports equipment.

You can obtain your ($70.00) discount membership app by clicking here.  20% of every membership sold contributes to our school fundraising.

Uniform Shop

Tuesday:  8.00am - 10.30am

Wednesday:  12.30pm - 3.30pm

Friday:  1.00pm - 3.30pm

Parents still need to observe the required social distancing measures and the use of hand sanitizers.  

Please contact Dani, our Uniform Coordinator, via email [ click here ] for all your uniform enquiries.  


The canteen is open for lunches on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Next week's choice of soup will be Pumpkin, Chicken Noodle or Pea and Ham. 

Online QKR! orders must be placed by 8.45am (or even the night before), with separate orders for each child. 

Chapel Songs

We invite you to our Good Shepherd Lutheran School Chapel Songs 2020 Playlist on YouTube.

To find a selection of songs that we have sung in Chapel so far this year, click here.