

Wellbeing during Covid 19

We are so excited for the return of our senior students on Monday. It is important that we acknowledge and thank all the parents and carers for the amazing job you did at such short notice to take on the challenge of leading your children in their remote learning. https://www.childhood.org.au/app/uploads/2020/05/ThankYous.pdf


With the transition back to school after the remote learning period, more than ever the relationship and communication between parents and teachers is so important. We need to work in partnership together to achieve the best outcomes for your children, academically, socially and emotionally. You might find this article helpful around some ideas for maintaining a good relationship with your child’s teacher. 

The Resilience Project


More than ever, focussing on the mental health of our students is going to be really important. The following article provides some great insights as well as recognising what a wonderful job teachers have done throughout this period too! 

This week some new activities have been added to the Mindfulness section of TRP @ Home. Mindfulness is a great way to help us slow down, particularly when we are feeling anxious. This might be relevant to some students as they recommence face to face learning and a change in environment. Click the links below to view the activities.




Seasons for Growth


Seasons for Growth is a program for young children that provides a safe space for children to explore their experiences of changes and loss. The analogy of the seasons is used to help explain how we feel as we go through the changes and experiences of loss.  I ran a Seasons for growth group in term 1 with a group of children in Years 3 and 4 and will run a year 5 and 6 group and a year 1 and 2 group during the year. This group is for children who may have experienced loss of a loved one, separation or divorce or any experience of loss or change that has impacted them. With the recent corona virus crisis and the changes we have all experienced, some children may be finding it difficult to come to terms with or be quite anxious about all the changes. If you feel like your child would benefit from being a part of the program, please contact me on rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au


There is some more information in this article on how parents can support their children with adapting after the changes of the Covid 19 lockdown period and transitioning into our new normal way of life.


If you are concerned about the wellbeing of your child, particularly in light of recent events or if they are struggling with the transition back to school, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. Stay safe and take care.


June Action Calendar

Rachel Lenko

Student Wellbeing Leader