Education in Faith

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit  Matthew 28:19

Mark describes for his community the words and actions of Jesus at the Last Supper. Scholars believe that the words are more an attempt on Mark's part to help his early Christian community understand the Eucharist than they are the actual words spoken by Jesus. Still they help us understand that Jesus was leaving the physical company of the apostles, and he gave them a way of remembering him through bread and wine, his body and blood.





This week’s Gospel is about sharing a meal with those we love. In today's crazy world, with all the ways we run our children and ourselves ragged, one of our greatest priorities should be mealtime. Make this a time of day when family members feel safe to share their dreams, joys, and struggles of the day. As often as possible, allow enough time so that the meal is not rushed. Try to have all members together at least for one meal each day. Even special touches such as flowers, soft music or lit candles help create an atmosphere that encourages fellowship.


Most families have family members who are sick, lost loved ones, relatives, or close friends in death. Consider who some of these people are in your family's experience and share ways that you still remember that person. Perhaps you have photographs, some of their belongings, or beautiful memories. Make a connection to these memories and the memory Jesus left with his disciples and us. Allow each person to suggest ways he/she experiences Jesus' presence today.


Something we can think about this week……

Meals are a special time people share with one another. 

My favourite meal to share is...

Jesus gave up his life for me. Someone else who makes sacrifices for me is...

As part of the Body of Christ, I share what he gave by...



Rozeta Ambrose

Religious Education Leader Sacraments (REL)