Message from the Head
of Teaching & Learning
Mrs Serena Lewis
Message from the Head
of Teaching & Learning
Mrs Serena Lewis
In light of COVID 19, Term 2 has been an exceptionally difficult term for students, teachers and parents and whilst it has been wonderful to be back on Campus and engage face to face, the return has not been without some challenges. In light of this, the AHPPC Guidelines for Boarding Schools regarding numbers in gatherings, mean that both Subject Selection – at the end of this term - and the Parent/Teacher Interviews - at the beginning of Term 3 – will be online.
Ms Collett – Director of Studies – communicated about the online system for Subject Selections for both Year 8 Stage 5 Elective Choices and Year 10 Stage 6 Subject Choices in the last Bulletin and a letter to all parents will be coming out very shortly.
Ms Collett and I will speak to all students in Years 8 and 10 this week to explain the process of Subject Selection. Essentially, this will be accessed through Frog. It is very important that you also engage in this process with your child. Your child will have the opportunity to learn about each of the different Electives (they will be able to choose 3) by engaging with the videos; outline documents and FAQs on the Subject Selection site which will be launched this week. Information about how you can access this information is given below. Over the next week and a half, we will be encouraging the students to talk to their teachers and ask questions about their subject to further inform their choices. Students will have the upcoming holiday and until 31st July to make decisions regarding their subject choices. There are lots of things to be considered and it is important for you to engage with your child and support them in making this important decision. They will be studying their chosen subjects for two years – it is important that they make the right choice!
Logging onto FROG
Login to Frog on:
You will be taken immediately to the Parent Dashboard.
If you can’t log in, call (02) 6392 0300 and ask for the ICT Help Desk.
Subject Selection
Key information about choosing the subjects that students will study in Years 9-10 and 11-12 is available through the Year 8 and Year 10 Portal. The links are usually only visible during Term 2, when students are selecting their Year 9 and Year 11 subjects.
Online subject selections are made through Edval. The link to this Edval is also available on the Subject information site on Frog.
Click onto a subject to learn more about it and have a conversation with your child about whether or not this is the right subject for them!
The COVID restrictions put in place regarding sizes of social gatherings and the AHPPC Guidelines for the reopening of Boarding Schools has meant that the Term 3 Parent Teacher Interviews for Boarding Parents cannot be held in the usual way. We recognise how important it is for you to have an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with their teacher and thus we will be holding the Parent Teacher Interviews remotely.
Later this term, you will receive instructions on how these will be conducted. Essentially, following the booking of your appointments, you will receive a link that you can use to take you into a video call with the teacher of your child. These will take place between 4.00 and 6.30 on Wednesday 22nd and Tuesday 28th July.
Please be aware that in order for the school to facilitate appointments for as many parents to see as many teachers as possible, the appointment times will be 5 minute slots. Without a bell and visibility of other parents who are waiting to see the teacher, it will be more difficult to stick to the schedule. After 5 minutes, the teacher will need to conclude the interview to ensure that we are able to adhere to the timings as closely as possible. This may mean that you will need to follow up your conversation with the teacher via email or a telephone conversation at a later date. I would be most grateful and thank you in advance, for your patience and understanding.
Mrs Serena Lewis
Head of Teaching and Learning