News from 

around our School

Exploring Ancient Egypt


Year 7 History have been exploring Ancient Egypt and what every day life looked like. They recently completed a Portfolio Assessment task, where one of the activities required them to create a scene on a vase depicting everyday life in Ancient Egypt.


Students have also explored religion and ritual in Ancient Egypt. Some used Minecraft to design their own mortuary temple, which were recently shared in class.


Jamie Adams
Felicity Knox
Will McPhie
Jamie Adams
Felicity Knox
Will McPhie

Investigating connection to place


As part of their Year 8 Geography assessment on ‘Interconnections’, students had do conduct research and produce a media product that answered the following question: 


“How do people connect to places and what impact does this connection have on them and the place?”


All students produced wonderful interviews that are not dissimilar to an Australian Story or Backroads episode. The students often interview family members and the task provides an opportunity for students to learn more about their own heritage and identity.


Below are some examples of the students work:


Iona Anderson (who interviewed her Mum)


Maddie O'Connell (who interviewed her Dad)


Mr Ben Ronald 

Social Science Teacher