Term 2 Week 7

Home Learning 


This week students will focus on personal recount writing in the form of diaries. We will discuss the purpose of diary writing and the specific structure and language features of a diary.   Using read aloud stories and analysing examples of diaries will give the students confidence to write diary entries at the end of the week. By understanding the purpose and style of this form of writing, students can make the connection to how diaries are a primary source of evidence in knowing about events in history. 

Students will be using 'Kids News' to read online articles. They will use literal and inferential comprehension strategies to help them understand what they read. 

In a 'mini lesson' this week, we will be using 'prior knowledge' and 'context' to predict and confirm meaning. Occasionally we come across words that are unfamiliar and therefore difficult to understand. When this happens, we can use context clues to help gain understanding. Context clues are the words, phrases, and sentences surrounding an unfamiliar word that give clues or hints to its meaning. Although not all words can be figured out this way, it is important to know this strategy as one way to gain meaning from a word. They will be practicing this strategy through different activities and interactive games.


In Word Study, students will once again work with Secret Agent 'Silent Final e' (S.F.e) on another 'job'. Last week we looked at 'Job One' where the silent 'e', at the end of a word, is there to make a vowel say its second sound (its long vowel sound). This week, S.F.e's task is to stop 'u' and 'v' from being at the end of words. These letters are allowed to make the last sound but they are not allowed to be the last letter. This ties in with a story the students read in term one and again at the start of remote learning, called 'i' Did Something Really Bad. In words like 'have', 'argue' and 'forgive', the S.F.e is purely there to stop 'u' and 'v' from being the last letter in the word. We hope the students enjoy working with our visiting secret agent again.

Secret Agent Silent Final 'e' returns
Secret Agent Silent Final 'e' returns


Number and Algebra. This week students will begin to look at subtraction. All students will take part in a number of activities that will assess the prior knowledge on subtraction and identify which areas they will  require extension or support. They will be completing the online pre-assessment on Essential Assessment and a Rich Assessment Task. We ask that you encourage your child(ren) to complete these tasks as independently as possible. 


Measurement and Geometry.

Location and Transformation: Students will identify, explore and describe slides, flips and turns and undertake activities to consolidate their understanding of these.


Unit of Inquiry

Last week we started our new unit on "Where We Are In Place and Time". Students will be looking at activities related to the Line of Inquiry; 'How we know about the past'. Students are learning to be historians and building their understanding of how we know about the past by looking at evidence in the form of primary and secondary sources. The students will build up a profile of what a historian does and the skills they use. Using their learning about open ended questions, students will be detectives and find out as much information about specific artifacts to explain what happened in history. 

Well being

Each day students are to be reflective about their learning by adding to their emoji reflection sheet. At the completion of the week it is important that the students answer the four questions reflecting on the learning:

- Two reasons why you feel positive and confident about a learning area, for example, writing, mathematics, the unit of inquiry. 

- Two sentences about an area of learning you would like to practice, or are finding challenging.

 - What strategies have you tried when coming across challenges with your work? 

- What might you try next time you face a challenge with your work?


This week the well being challenge is to practice giving and receiving compliments.  The students will be reminded that giving a compliment is about acknowledging something positive about another person and that it more than just commenting on appearance.  Giving compliments makes everyone feel good and it is hoped that this will become one of many strategies the students are using to support their well being this week and in the future.   


Monday 25th May 

State-wide Curriculum Day. No work provided for this date.


Video clip contribution for 'Happy' video needs to be uploaded and parent permission to be provided on Compass event. A SeeSaw 'activity' has been set up for students to upload their videos.


Tuesday 26th May 

Prep - Grade 2 students return to onsite learning.


Google Meets moved to 9:30am.


Wednesday 27th May 

Whole School Pajama Day.


11am - Simultaneous Storytime - students can log in to Google Meets to hear the story "Whitney & Britney: Chicken Divas" by Lucinda Gifford.


Students to upload their 'Italian Project' on SeeSaw. An 'activity' has been set up for them to save it into.


Other reminders

Don't forget that 'Epic!' is available as an online library for your child, including audio books.

'Happy' to be coming back to school!
'Happy' to be coming back to school!

Grade 3 Team

If you need to contact your child's class teacher you can do so via Compass. Alternatively, our email addresses are as follows:


Sylvia Zanati (3A) -



Georgia Kirk (3B) -



Shae Langford-Jones & Amanda Kerr (3C) -




Bill Kolivas (3D) -



Amy Chadwick (Hearing Unit)
