Remote Learning Experiences 

Remote Learning

Year 7 Science - Chromatography

During remote learning students explored the topic of mixtures. They investigated differences between pure substances and mixtures. Most of the things around us are made up of different substances mixed together most of which can be found in the home, or all around us in our immediate environments. 


Students  began to look at ways mixtures can be separated. There are many examples in the home such as using a colander to drain pasta from water.


One of their tasks involved an experiment, investigating how solubility can be used to separate mixtures. The process is called chromatography.


The goal was to design and carry out their own chromatography experiment safely at home. They had guidelines to follow ensuring they designed a ‘fair test’ that produces valid results. Students could choose from the two options below.

A: To find out which of the different kinds of Textas found in my home is best separated using paper chromatography.




B: To find out which of the different kinds of paper found in my home is the best for separating the pigments in ink using paper chromatography.


It was so exciting to see so many students complete this task with great enthusiasm. Three examples are shown below. Congratulations to all students who completed this task.


Maddy Tuck 


Zach Bissett

Mikayla Rogers 

1 = faber castell-pink

2 = crayola texta-gold

3 = highlighters - blue

4 = fine-liner - black

5 = purple -texta