Junior School Report

Junior School Report

End of Term 2, 2020

With the mid-year school holidays fast approaching, we reflect on a particularly unusual Term 2 of schooling. Much of this Term was spent with students, parents and teachers, all in roles that they were not familiar with, and trying to adapt to the challenges and growth opportunities during remote learning.  Whilst we acknowledge that this was very taxing on many members of the school community, there were also many positives throughout this experience, including the technological skills that have been fast-tracked for our students.

Our Year 8A students – who requested to remain anonymous – had the following comments to share with Mr Lawrence regarding the ‘pros and cons’ of remote learning and the return to on-site learning at school:


Remote learning:

“I had to be so much more organised!”

“I was not as self-motivated at all during remote learning!” 

“Doing the subjects in the order that you wanted to do them was good.”

“We were lucky when we were able to leave the house!” 

“I got to work in silence, without distraction!” 

“I got distracted really easily at home!” 


On-site learning:

“Getting help from teachers is much easier at school” 

“I realised how much I collaborate with other students in my learning at school!"

“Returning to school was way better because I was able to see my friends!” 

“Being at school is much better, because you can focus more!”

“It feels like it is less work when the tasks are delivered in classes at school.”

“It’s less stressful with the teachers directing the learning. Feels like there is more time.” 


Return Date – Term 3

Monday 13 July will see students return – rejuvenated and full of enthusiasm – for Term 3 schooling, and we are certainly hopeful that there are no further disruptions to the learning calendar. 


We expect students to return to school – in full uniform and with all required stationary and resources stocked – ready for all the learning opportunities, which will commence from Day 1, Term 3.


Winter Uniform

A reminder that students should check their winter uniform prior to returning to school for Term 3, to ensure that it meets our uniform standards and expectations. In particular, students must ensure that they have plain socks (no logo), any skirts are at knee length, a maximum of one small plain earring per ear, and black leather shoes with black stitching and plain black laces.  If there are any concerns regarding your uniform, please refer to the school planner for the policy, or contact your year level coordinator to discuss if there are any issues regarding this.


Upcoming Events

Whilst excursions have been impacted by current restrictions in place in Victoria, Scoresby Secondary College are again pairing up with KIOSC programs at Swinburne University (Wantirna).  We are currently organising a ‘Mission to Mars’ online program for our Year 7 students at the start of Term 3.  This will give some context and relevance to the Earth and Space component of the Year 7 Science course, and creates engagement with our local community organisations.  Another wonderful opportunity for our students to consider their ‘place in space…’ and think about how their decisions and actions can affect the world around them.


In addition, as we head into the mid-year holidays, here are some suggestions of what students can do, particularly if travel restrictions remain in place:


5 Suggestions to keep you busy and productive in the Term 3 holidays: 


1. Create some personal goals 

Reflect on your first half of the year, and identify some of your successes. Perhaps it was ‘survival’ through remote learning, or your newfound skills submitting work on Compass…?! From there, what is it you want to achieve for the rest of the year…? Write down one or more achievable goals, and a way to measure how you are progressing to these goals. This can help motivate you, and provide the potential for positive feedback to keep you on track.


2. Declutter your room / desk 

Remote learning may have created a mess in your room or on your desk, so you can tidy this up for a fresh start to Semester 2. Add a succulent (plant) to help give your desk / room something extra


3. Read a book 

Try and give your brain a chance to escape the information overload of digital screens, and read a book that you’ve been meaning to get around to.  It might be ex-Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s autobiography, or the scintillating story of the One Direction phenomenon.  It could be a sporting heroes meandering path to success, or an escape into the fantasy of ‘The Ickabog’ (from Harry Potter author, J.K. Rowling). Do it!


4. Pursue a new hobby  

Been meaning to start learn the recorder, piano or sitar…? 

To audition for Australian Idol as a roller-skating juggling panda…? 

Choose something new for your brain to get inspired by and work towards. Creativity is an excellent way to develop resilience and foster positive wellbeing.


5. Take a walk outdoors

 Discuss with your family about going for a nature walk, bush walk, or visit an animal sanctuary.  Studies have shown that these experiences can help to boost mental health and can even boost your short-term memory!





A refresher: Five Tips for the return to Term 3: 

  1. Set up a back-to-school routine – near the end of the mid-year holidays
  2. Ensure you get enough sleep – to have energy and focus for return to school
  3. Eat a healthy and nourishing breakfast – to give your body the energy it needs to focus and learn
  4. Use your planner – to plan out your school days and other activities
  5. Resources check – to ensure that you have expected books, stationary, charged and backed-up device

The Junior School team are looking forward to seeing you all return refreshed and ready for learning opportunities in Term 3.


Mr Donovan Lawrence – Year 7 Coordinator

Mr Jake Barnett – Year 8 Coordinator

Ms Su-Nhi Kim – Year 9 Coordinator

Miss Emily Phibbs – Head of Junior School