Junior School News

Kindergarten Visit the Farm

As part of our PYP Inquiry Unit, Kindergarten have been thinking about Living and Non-Living Things. Our central idea is “Living Things Need Each Other.” On Tuesday, we visited the College farm, and Farmer Rick and Farmer John were there to show us around. The students were very interested in all the animals and also the garden where fruit and vegetables are grown. Here are some of their thoughts…


Summer Q (KM) “I liked seeing the mummy cow and her two babies.”
Aurora G (KM) “We got to pat the sheep. He was really soft. They give us wool.”
Marcello T (KM) “I liked seeing the mummy cow with her two babies. The bull was lying down on the grass. We get milk and manure from cows.”
Ben D (KM) “I liked touching the sheep. He was really soft. We get wool from sheep to knit things with.”
William A (KB) “The baby cows were drinking from their mother.”
Nathanael P (KB) “I liked collecting the eggs from the hens.”
Benjamin D (KB) “I got to touch the sheep. When you pulled the wool apart it was white and shiny underneath.”
Amelie (KB) “Our school has a mummy cow and twin babies. We get milk from cows.”



Terracycle Recycling Program

In Term 1, Kindergarten was thinking about how to look after our College environment and we decided that we should recycle things we use at school. The College is already involved in an office supplies recycling program so we decided to create buckets to go in each classroom where teachers and students could place their used pens, zooms and other supplies. When the buckets are full, we will collect them and send the old supplies off to be recycled. The College also receives a small monetary reward for being involved in the program.


If you have any used up office supplies at home, please send them in with your child to add to our classroom buckets. Kindergarten would like to thank you for playing your part in looking after our environment.



Louise Limbrey

Kindergarten Teacher