P&C News

Fundraising Survey 

Parents and community members, the P&C would like to hear from you. Could you please click the link below and complete our survey about fundraising. All answers remain anonymous and we would love to get as much honest feedback as possible. Thank you in advance.

 Survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6FL28GS



Brickfest was a huge success. Thank you for all who volunteered and helped on the day.


Our Shrapnel Challenge starts on the 5th of November, so rummage through the lounge and under the beds and help your Sports House.


BAPS was lucky enough to be selected to do a BBQ for the GRAND OPENING of FANTASTIC FURNITURE AT WEST GOSFORD on the 24th November. Any volunteers willing to help on the day cooking and serving between 10 till 4 PLEASE let P&C know ASAP.


Student Banking is looking for a volunteer to help with banking on a weekly basis. If anyone is interested please let P&C know. There is an Expression of Interest form available to save and print on the next page in the newsletter. 


Uniform Shop

New brochure is out for ordering. If you're unable to get to the uniform shop in the arranged hours, please don’t hesitate to fill out the form and we will get it to your child’s class.


For Yr 5 students, a letter went home requesting interest in Yr 6 Memorabilia shirts. Please bring back the forms with money and quantities before the end of Term 4. They will be ordered after the cut off date of enrolment in Term 1, 2019.