A Word from the Principal

A warm welcome to our community

I hope that everyone is staying warm in this very cold and windy weather.  We have been busy picking up debris from the gum trees and have appreciated parents who have also helped out during this time.

Annual Parent Opinion Survey 2019

The annual Parent Opinion Survey was distributed via email to all families as a part of the Education Department’s accountability measure.  Families are now encouraged to go up and complete the survey about Weeden Heights PS.  Thank-you so much to all the families who have completed the survey so far.   The information collected in the survey supports future planning so the parent voice is very important.  The survey will now close Sunday 18 August.

With the amazing results returned on the student survey (see the last newsletter), I am hoping that the parent survey reflect the results of the students.

100 Days at School!


Last week our foundation year level achieved a significant milestone.  Congratulations to our Prep students who have now been attending school for 100 days! That is a big achievement. The feature of the day was the preps dressing up as if they were 100 years old.  I was stunned how they stayed in character, acting frail as they struggled to sit on the floor or relying on their walking stick to move around the school. 


They celebrated with many special activities for students and engaged in fun numeracy and literacy activities involving 100.   Well done Preps! Parents should be very proud of these wonderful young people for what they have achieved so far in their schooling.  We hope you liked the photos on Instagram and Facebook.

School Production…..Brand New Me

SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday 16 October

We are working to one of my very favourite events, the whole school production.  Please make sure that you clear your commitments for that night as the students will have worked well over a term to show you their learning.  Our new venue, Crossways, allows for over 1000 attendees so there will be plenty of seats for grandparents, family and friends.  Last time is was a ‘little squeezy’ and we had to limit your tickets.  This venue is also just on Springvale Rd so very close to home as well.


All of the lead characters have been cast (so many talented students auditioned – they were so impressive!)  and there is a huge buzz around the school as we are preparing for the extravaganza.  The performance will feature items from grades, dance groups and the choir.  Notices around costumes will come out tomorrow as we do require parents to provide the basics which you probably already have in your cupboard at home.  Mrs Michalski, will also be asking for some help with costumes so if you have a moment we would love your support.  The class rep system will help out here as well. 

Start getting excited everyone!!!!



Synopsis for the play….(this fits in so well with our Wellbeing program and philosophy at Weeden)


All of the kids in the 'in crowd' are excited about the big dance on Saturday night and rivals Paula and Cindy both plan to convince Brad, the coolest guy in town, to take them. Everyone is going except Lizzie, the dowdy waitress at Nick and Gina's milk bar. Lizzie has a heart of gold but doesn't have the money for the latest gear and the 'in crowd' tease her about her look which makes her feel lonely and isolated. However, Lizzie's friends hatch a plan to help get her to the dance.


Nick proudly drives her to the hall where she makes a stunning entrance and even catches Brad's eye! Paula and Cindy learn that it is the person you are and not what you wear that is important. Brand New Me is a fabulous show that addresses important issues such as peer pressure in a fun and contemporary way.


Thanks to the Lion’s Club and our PFA, Weeden Heights now has a defibrillator!  It is fabulous that the Lion’s Club were able to partner with our parents to ensure that we had the opportunity to purchase a defibrillator for the school. They contributed $1600 to the PFA’s $800 (fundraising money from school activities).  All of our staff are trained in how to use the machine as they completed their Level 2 First Aid certificate on the curriculum day in February and the machine is located near the front office and my office.  Cross your fingers we never have to use it.  There will be an official moment put a side for the PFA and Lions Club to mount a plaque in the near future. 

Workforce Planning


Preparations for 2020 have already started.  It is that time of the year when I begin to work out staffing and budgeting for the next year.  I do need your support so that the leadership team and myself can make the best decisions for the school.


If you intend leaving Weeden Heights and your children will be starting at another school next year, can you please let me know, in writing, so that we can make the necessary adjustments to our calculations.  If you also have a pre schooler starting school and you have not enrolled then please do so asap so that they are considered in the plan.   Please do not leave it to the last minute as it does have a profound effect on the proposed budget.   Having accurate student enrolments is critical in establishing a sound budget

Reminder about Personal Items bought to School


The Department of Education and Training (DET) does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools. Anything that students or staff choose to bring to school is at their own risk.  Principals have been requested to remind students and parents/guardians of this and to discourage parents/students from bringing any unnecessary or particularly valuable items to school. Please try and avoid bringing these items as it can be most upsetting for all concerned if items go missing or are damaged.

Student Absences


Please remember that when your child is absent from school you need to let us know the night before or in the morning before school starts via the Flexibuzz app.  This email notification makes us aware of the absence and identifies that you are aware that your child is absent. 


Due to a change in legislation, teachers are required to make contact with you on the day of your child’s unapproved absence.  If parents choose not to contact us then staff have to take time out of their day to phone every absent child’s parent.  When this has happened, parents are left a message if they have voice mail however many parents are not listening to their voice mail and directly dial the missed number.  The office staff take the initial call back from parents and will not know why they have been phoned as the call was from a teacher in their break. 


It would be greatly appreciated that you notify us first of your child’s absence.  We would really prefer our calls home to you to be positive ones or for emergencies.  Please help us out by using the notification app on Flexibuzz.  Thanks in anticipation. 

Curriculum Day


Just a reminder that our school has a pupil free day on Tuesday 13 August.  The whole staff will be completing PLC training (Professional Learning Community) training by the key instructional leaders that completed the DET course in term 1.  Working in PLC’s will be a key action that will feature in the new Strategic Plan.


OSHC will conduct a program on that day to support our working parents.  Please see Maria if you would like to make a booking. 

Until next time,


Ms Kylie Campbell


Futures are Bright at Weeden Heights!