Learning and Teaching

Digital Technology News 



This term, the juniors have begun by looking into breaking down the parts of a computer into hardware and software. They were able to sort items such as a keyboard, printer, monitor, Google, Google apps, YouTube and Roblox into the correct category based on their understanding that hardware is visible and can be touched whereas software is the programs and applications that are on our device that enable us to use them. 

They also looked at how technology such as computers, telephones and televisions have changed over time, to link in with this term’s history focus. It was surprising for our students to see just how much technology has changed and we had fun sharing stories of different computers, phones and tv’s we had seen!


This week, the juniors are practicing their skills not only logging onto a chromebook or laptop, but also practicing their mouse skills and keyboard skills. The aim is for students to improve their accuracy in finding the keys on the laptop and their confidence in navigating the laptops.




Like the juniors, the seniors have also been looking at how computers work. After a quick recap of hardware and software, the students then looked deeper at how input devices, CPU, memory and output devices work together in order to allow our electronic devices to function the way that we want them to. To help us understand this concept we watched some videos from experts in their field and even heard from Bill Gates who explained the process of how his Windows operating system works. 


After this, the students played a game called ‘Routing and Deadlocks’ where they were to replicate the process of information moving through this system and needing open pathways. To do this, the students used post-it notes, and had to try to get their post-it notes back to them while following a specific set of criteria. It’s safe to say that the groups came up against a few roadblocks, but with teamwork and good communication, the groups were able to get their post-it notes back! It is incredible to think of how much work goes on behind the scenes when we are using our devices.


Taryn Bartlett

DT Teacher



Music and Production News



Grade 5/6 Interschool Sport

All teams did extremely well today playing an away game at Grayling Primary School.  Interschool Sport is a way of meeting other students at other schools playing competitive sport and also by showing the school values, respect, responsibility, and kindness.  The students not only showed this but also displayed this Positive Behaviour in a competitive environment.



The last Bike Education lesson took place today. All bikes will now need to be collected from school if your child has been leaving their bike in the bike shed during the Program. Grade 6 students who completed the course will now be given a certificate for Level 2.



Our Football team played a number of other schools in our district on Wednesday. We would like to congratulate the team on a fantastic effort.




Today our Grade 3/4 students enjoyed the soccer clinics run by Mick and Steven, coaches from the Football Program at St John’s. They learnt a variety of new skills including teamwork. Thanks Mick and Steven!


The remainder of the Soccer Clinics will take place on: Friday June 2nd, Friday June 16th and Wednesday June 21st. Parents please ensure your child is wearing their sports uniform on the above days.


Parents please acknowledge via Operoo and complete the online registration form via the link provided, for students to be involved.



This year we have once again organised Lifesaving Victoria to deliver the ‘Resuscitate a Mate Program’ for the Grade 5/6 students. Life Saving Victoria’s Multicultural Resuscitate a Mate program is designed to introduce participants to emergency response management (DRSABCD). In the 1 hour interactive session, participants learn the steps to follow in an emergency situation and the skills to potentially save a life. This program is delivered by a trained Lifeguard.

The program will be delivered on the following days:


Friday June 2nd                 10.00   LS1 Grade 5/6

                                                11.35  LS2 Grade 5/6

                                                12.35  LS3 Grade 5/6


Students may wear their sports uniform and we ask parents to please acknowledge the notification sent out via Operoo.




Parents a reminder that Junior Hockey Clinics begin in Week 6. The days for each Learning Space are:

Monday – LS3

Tuesday – LS2 

Wednesday – LS1 

Parents please note the change from Term 1 for LS3 and LS1. 


In Week 8 because of the public holiday on the Monday clinics will take place as follows:

Tuesday – LS3

Wednesday – LS1

Thursday – LS2


Please ensure your child wears their sports uniform and brings their drink bottles on the above days. Further information has been provided via Operoo and we ask you to acknowledge the notification.


Giuliana & Lulli