PBS Matrix

Karie Hullen - 

In 2022 the College commenced a review of our behaviour matrix. Our original matrix was created in 2018, so the review is timely. During the review process our behaviour expectations were updated to: respectful, responsible, learning and community. These behaviour expectations align closely with our school values. Below is our new matrix. We are currently seeking feedback from our community about the new matrix. We want to ensure that our matrix meets the needs of our entire community. Your feedback is important and valued. 


If you have a question, suggestion or general feedback about the below matrix please contact Karie Hullin via email karie.hullin@education.vic.gov.au or phone 03 5996 3544.







All Settings 

We listen to and follow instructions 

We THINK* before speaking, gesturing or writing 

We acknowledge when we have made a mistake 

We stay in designated areas 

We tell staff when something is wrong 

We arrive on time 

We use self-regulation strategies 

We obtain passes 

We use digital devices with permission 

We ask for help when needed 

We use a growth mindset 

We use equipment and furniture for its correct purpose 

We keep our body to ourselves  

We wear the correct school uniform 

We include others 

We are upstanders 

We put rubbish in the bin 

We help others 

Learning Spaces 

We enter the learning space when given permission 

We follow our active listening steps 

We hand items to one another 

We ask questions that elaborate, clarify and reveal thinking 

We work at the set learning volume 

We bring the required equipment 

We participate in all learning activities 

We complete all learning activities on time 

We bring a water bottle  

We set learning goals and monitor our progress 

We work collaboratively 

We use comprehension and vocabulary strategies 

We use visible thinking routines 

We seek, provide and use self, peer and teacher feedback 

We acknowledge others have a different opinion 

We leave the learning space tidy 

Senior School/ 


We discuss course concerns with year level leaders and then pathways/careers staff 

We THINK* when interacting with people in employment and career settings  


We prioritise, balance and schedule our time 

We regularly update our resume and CV 

We search for employment opportunities/vacancies 


We update our careers portfolio 

We participate in work experience/placement 

We investigate multiple career pathways 

We complete study and homework 

We seek/schedule assistance from teachers outside of class time 

We share employment and career opportunities 

We attend open days 

We connect with industry and tertiary providers 

We volunteer  

Student Voice and Agency 


We share concerns and suggest ideas to class captains, SRC and Multipride representatives 


We engage in student focus groups 

We prepare our portfolio for parent, teacher, student conferences 

We plan and run school events and assemblies  

We provide feedback on learning activities/tasks 

We co-design ways to demonstrate our skills and learning with teachers 

We co-design explicit assessment criteria 

We provide feedback on CATs and learning sequences 

We develop and implement community projects 

We engaged in the design thinking process 


We demonstrate sportspersonship 

We follow the officials’ decisions and rules of the game 

We use roll on deodorant  

We wear runners for practical lessons  

We only wear school PE uniform during practical classes 

We change into and out of our PE uniform quickly 

We sit in our class groups and wait for instructions 

We use sporting equipment when supervised  

We use the fitness room when supervised 

We bring a towel and drink bottle when using the fitness room 

We include all sporting abilities 

We participate in house carnivals 

We sign up for sport each term 

We return sporting equipment 


We use our own login details 

We carry and store our netbook in its case 

We use headphones when instructed 

We save our work in the designated digital space 

We charge our digital devices 

We store mobile phones switched off in our lockers 

We borrow a daybook if our netbook is being repaired  

We check and respond to emails 

We use approved and reputable websites 

We use approved software and applications when instructed 

We keep our passwords and personal details to ourselves 

We request IT technicians repair our netbook during designated times 

We check our Compass Schedule and Newsfeed daily 


We say please and thank you 

We find another location when full during breaks 

We line up to borrow items 

We speak quietly 

We enter and exit through the appropriate door 

We leave bags in our allocated locker  

We return borrowed items on time 

We use our Compass card for borrowing and printing 

We stay in our timetabled classroom space 

We use Infiniti to search for learning resources  

We reference our sources of information 

We sit down during lunchtime 

We participate in lunchtime clubs and library events 

We volunteer to be library monitors 

Performing Arts  

We are an attentive audience 

We obtain permission before using rehearsal spaces 

We allow others to rehearse productively 

We volunteer and participate when given opportunities  

We SHOW UP for ourselves and others  

We ‘take performance risks’ in the creation of products 

We recognise our growth during reflections 

We participate in practical workshops  

We celebrate others’ achievements 

We take opportunities to perform to a range of audiences 


We share the space and equipment 

We view other peoples’ work 

We enter the storeroom with a teacher or with teacher permission 

We wear appropriate shoes and safety equipment when instructed 

We report hazards or broken equipment 

We obtain permission before working outside 

We wash our hands 

We use art practices 

We use the scientific method 

We use the Design Thinking process 

We show our math working out 

We use math problem solving strategies 

We help with events 

We take opportunities to display our work 

We clean and return undamaged equipment  

We reduce, reuse and recycle 

Student Services  

We maintain other students’ privacy and confidentiality 

We only enter the Student Services building when we require assistance or support 

We arrive on time for appointments and group programs 


We visit Wellbeing and Careers outside of class time if we do not have an appointment 

We complete Wellbeing and Careers self-referral forms in person or via Compass outside of class time 

We book Careers appointments via Compass  

We tell a trusted adult when we feel unsafe 

We check Compass, at the start of the day, for group programs and appointments 

We give a return to class pass to our teacher when we return to class 

We tell a trusted adult when worried about a friend 
Office/First Aid  

We speak quietly 

We wait when instructed 


We keep our contact details updated 

We sign in when late 

We sign out when leaving early 

We attain an early leavers pass 

We return permission forms on time 

We visit the office at designated times 

We give the first aid officer a note from our teacher 

We hand lost property into first aid 



We access our locker quickly and then move away 

We keep our lockers clean and tidy  

We sit on chairs and benches  

We eat our food outside  

We play ball games on courts and fields 

We keep our locker locked  

We use our allocated locker  

We check the master timetable as an alternative to our netbook 


We only speak to visitors who have signed in  

We return gym equipment 10 minutes before the end of lunch  

We enter the YPEP garden when invited  



We say please and thank you 

We give our full attention to the canteen staff when ordering 

We line up 

We order our own food 

We pay with cash or a physical card 

We select our purchase while in line 

We place lunch orders online 

We download a canteen menu from Compass 

We use our own money 

We follow excursion/camp facilitators’ instructions  

We actively listen to presenters 

We speak at an appropriate volume on public transport  

We offer seats as required  

We stay with our group  

We check additional details of the excursion/camp  

We have a valid public transport card 

We arrive at checkpoints on time   

We wait to be dismissed by a teacher  

We participate in all camp/excursion activities   

We ask facilitators clarifying questions 

We link the camp/excursion to our learning at school 

We volunteer to take part in activities/presentations 

We follow road rules when crossing the road  

We THINK before speaking when in the community