Library News

Mrs Cousens - Library Manager

2023 CBCA Shadow Judging 

Our book club was successful again in our application for a funded position in the 2023 CBCA shadow judging of books in the Older Reader’s category. This means that we will receive a copy of each of the books for free and a substantial contribution to an author’s visit.  

Our book club students are looking forward to participating in this wonderful opportunity to have their voices heard and to work collaboratively in developing their creative responses that will be shared with other schools throughout Australia.



Harry Potter Day

The library celebrated Harry Potter Day this week with an engaging display of books and some fun activities at lunchtime. Students shared their favourite scenes and quotes from the Harry Potter series, created sorting chatterboxes to see which Hogwarts House they belong in and competed in a Harry Potter quiz.


VHAP Term 1 Celebration

Our record number of VHAP students exuberantly celebrated the completion of their high-ability program at the end of term 1. Our first VHAP Masterclass for this year will take place on Friday the 2nd of June at Cranbourne East Secondary College. Students will be given the opportunity to explore personal storytelling, resilience, and media bias with ABC Takeover and to connect and collaborate with other high-ability students.