Brain Teaser!

Can you figure out our Maths Brain Teaser for the month?

Be the first person to email the correct response to with the title: Maths Brain Teaser and receive a $10 Canteen Voucher. Winners will be announced on the Compass News Feed.



Solutions to chess puzzles


Diagram 1

  1. Bc2 Nxf4 
  2. Qd8+ Bf8 
  3. Qxf6 and White wins since the black knight on f4 is threatened and White also threatens to take on f7 and h7 for checkmate.

Diagram 2

Black’s back rank (the 8th row) is weak. If White can place a rook there, then Black’s king has no escape squares. White wins after:

  1. Ra1 Nc5
  2. Nxe7+ Rxe7 
  3. Ra8+ Re8 
  4. Rxe8# checkmate.