Growing our Alumni Program

Ms Hammond - Alumni Coordinator

Our alumni program continues to grow, and word is spreading amongst past students about the great things happening at our college. The Cranbourne Secondary College alumni Facebook page now has 464 followers who are kept up to date with key college events, encouraged to participate in the alumni program and enjoy flashback photos from earlier years of the college.

Early in term one, we welcomed back to the college our 2022 Valedictorians, Dean Valotto and Maddison Garnham to our Whole School assembly, to celebrate their achievements in 2022. Tiffany Isgro, Dux from the Class of 2019 came back to the college to speak to the Year 12 cohort in year level assembly; where she talked about her current university studies, and she encouraged students to reach for their personal best. 


The performing arts students were fortunate to hear from Gemma Ann Rourke, Class of 2014, about her work as a singer and her experience being a contestant on Australian Idol. She performed a beautiful rendition of Shallows and talked about her time as a student at the college.


The alumni database now has many past students who are interested in supporting the College and participating in an alumni session with students, which is an exciting opportunity for our students and teachers. Later this month we will be holding a Careers pathway event for Year 10’s where they will participate in a series of interactive workshops at the college. One of these workshops is a Speed Careers Networking session with college alumni. We have invited a group of 14 alumni from a range of different careers to attend this event, including: an engineer, an accountant, a landscaper, and a personal trainer, just to name a few! Students will interact with alumni and ask questions about the job they do; understand the skills and training required and will get great insight into jobs that they might be interested in pursuing after high school.


We invite all past Cranbourne Secondary College students to join the alumni program. It’s a great way to keep in touch, be part of the school community and stay connected to the people you have been to school with. You can follow our alumni program on social media pages: Facebook Cranbourne SC Alumni Group and CSC LinkedIn Alumni Group. To join our alumni community, simply email us at: