Principal's Report

David Caughey

Dear students, parents and families,


Thank you for your support in the smooth start to Term 2. It was great to share student learning progress with you at our recent parent-teacher and student conferences and I look forward to seeing future learning and personal growth in our students over this Term.

Our progress reporting cycle will enable students, parents and teachers to monitor 2023 progress and growth via the GPA system. Year levels will also be celebrating student growth as part of student assemblies later this term along with attendance, achievement and behaviour.


In this newsletter, there is some important information regarding our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) matrix. The matrix has been very successful since its initial design a few years ago and due to some changes to our school values the matrix has now been updated and is shared with you for feedback. Our school values of Learning, Care, Community and Contribution have influenced the changes to the matrix as well as our purpose statement. Our purpose statement is now ‘At Cranbourne Secondary College we are a respectful, responsible learning community’. I look forward to receiving your feedback and the impact this will have on our behaviour matrix.


On the topic of feedback, there are two important pieces of information for our school community to consider. The first is the annual Attitudes to School Survey (AtoSS). The survey will be completed by students at school over the next few weeks. It provides an excellent opportunity for students to share their views on our school and their experiences both in and outside the classroom. It also provides an opportunity for students to reflect on how the information gained from this survey will be used to inform decision-making and school improvements for our students.


The second opportunity relates to an announcement made by the City of Casey. The council has put forward an initial proposal to explore the building of an integrated service centre including Youth Services, Library and customer service centre, on Lyall Street. The building would be located very near to the College. I am drawing your attention to this as members of our College community and therefore important stakeholders in the consultation process. Further information can be found at:


The College Grade 6 information evening was held earlier in the term and provided an excellent opportunity for our students to share our classrooms and learning with the broader community. It was a pleasure to see our students showcase our College with pride and enthusiasm. A short overview of the evening is available on our Facebook page and school website -


On a final note, the development of new uniform items is fast approaching a stage where final decisions can be made. The College will communicate with parents regarding the opportunity to view and interact with sample items later in the Term. Thanks to parents and students for their contributions to this process so far.

Many thanks,


David Caughey

College Principal