Garden and Environment

Garden and Environment News
We are so lucky to have the opportunity to work with Volunteer Scientist Steve Henning through the CSIRO Scientists in Schools Program.
Year Four students have been the first group to work with Steve, through their How the World Works Inquiry into The Human Impact.
Steve has brought his expertise as a soil scientist, working for the Environment Protection Authority to introduce students to useful knowledge about soils, their structure and composition and the impacts of pollution on land, plants, water and animals - including humans!
Over two visits, students have learned some Geology, Biology and soil chemistry. They have learned to identify soil and non-soil and have tested soils for size and the Magic PH level for plants (7 is Heaven!).
In the classroom, students have devised and constructed their own experiments to see how soil types and pollution of soils might impact the germination and growth of a seed.
Steve has agreed to return to Rowville Primary School later in the year to support other student learning inquiries.
Kate Newman, Garden/Environment Teacher
Belinda Williams, Horticulturist